Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So for those of you who don't know my dad was diagnosed with throat cancer over winter vacation. It was hard news to take, especially since my grandparents died due to different kinds of cancer. They decided to take his tonsils out in hopes that that was where the cancer was. So he went in for surgery in late February. Its an easy procedure, but not so easy for adults to bounce back. Since my dad had had surgery just a few months before in December it made it especially hard for him to bounce back. The good news was that they caught the cancer which was in his tonsils. YAY! So now he will do some radiation and they will keep an eye on him, but at least he is healthy again. He will go back to work this week and hopefully things will keep moving in the right direction.


FunkyChicken said...

I'm glad to read he is okay!

Lansdale said...

I'm glad that he is ok. I will keep him in my prayers that everything continues in the right direction!