Monday, March 2, 2009

Asian Dinner

Last Sunday I had a few friends over to my new apartment to have a mini celebration for my life moving forward for the first time in months.

I ended up cooking Nabe (the one Chikako and Yoshi sent me), Mabou Tofu, Ger's fried Egg Rolls, and other small goodies. Ger brought a Hmong Dish called La. It was a great feast!!

Nabe... it was so yummy!

Mabou Tofu

Spring Rolls!! - So delicious!

Garlic and soy sauce green beans

La... nice and limey

We even finished the night off with the Sake Andrea bought and the Asahi beer that I bought just for the occasion (so funny how the cheapest beer in Japan is so friggin expensive here!).

Sake that Andrea bought... leave it to a gaijin to buy the one called "Hiku"

Andrea, Amber and I ended up hanging out the rest of the night talking story and laughing.

It was a nice relaxing night. I must have people over for dinner again sometime soon.

My roommate Amber being a dork

Andrea chilling out

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