Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Obama- a late ode to inauguration

I kept meaning to blog about my inauguration adventure, but kept forgetting (or putting it off). Today I was flipping through my pictures and found my videos and photos from Jan 20Th, 2009 and it reminded me that I haven't posted or blogged yet.

So here I am.
It was insane to be in DC not only for the election proved how far this country has come, but the inauguration of Obama. Its amazing how much political pride and intelligence this city has to offer. Every one I meet has an opinion and something fascinating to add. I learn more here in a day than I have in a long time! And I LOVE IT!

The days leading up to Inauguration were insane. There was a law passed that bars could be open until 5am, ticket prices to get into the city were astronomical, tourism increased ten fold, Craigslist consisted of people renting out apartments, rooms and couches for the big day! Stores had large posters and trinkets with Obama's face plastered on the front. Bars had special drinks called Obama. Street vender's carried everything from the traditional t-shirts to lighters to mugs with American pride. The city was ALIVE and intoxicating! You couldn't help but talk about it and get into the inauguration spirit. Even my boss was giving 15% off anything painted with Obama! It was exhilarating! If ever there was a time to live in DC it was January of 2009!!

Ger and I had decided that we were too old and it was too cold to go and sit on the mall all night just to see him being sworn in at 12 the next day, so we decided to wake up at a somewhat normal hour and head down there to see what we could see. I was pretty sure we weren't going to be able to see much, but it didn't hurt to go and check it out. Who knows, maybe we get lucky.

We woke up at 8am and headed towards down town. It was the eeriest feeling ever... there were NO CARS on the streets. Most the traffic if any in our neighborhood was on foot. You could have walked down the center of the street and not had to worry about a single cab running you over or DCer honking their horn for you to get out of the middle of the road! We ended up having good timing and caught a bus down town. Have you ever seen a downtown with no cars?! Its spooky! There were masses of people everywhere!! It was like time square on New Years or New Orleans on Mardi Gras! People shouting and yelling! Cops, military, firemen, ambulances, NYPD, name it they were on the streets trying to keep people orderly! People were decked out in Red, White and Blue! Street people were selling hand and feet warmers in patriotic colors! It was crazy~!
I was so excited by the whole thing (and the cute military guys). Taking it all in was breathtaking. Not only at the masses of people, but at the thought behind the masses of people. These people were taking pride in their country and who they elected to be the president of the United States. People know his name, his issues, they relate and are truly moved by this man. The thought even now a month later leaves me speechless.

Well we ended up on the other side of the parade route and unable to cross to get to the side where the swearing in was taking place. One guy told us to go to 11th street and when we got there that guy told us to go to 19th street (where we had just come from). We decided it would be best to find somewhere that had a TV so we wouldn't miss this historical event live. We first tried to go into the ESPN Zone, but they were stupid and closed for an hour for some strange reason, but we did find a little diner like place across the street and got a table right away in the over crowded restaurant 30 minutes before the festivities were beginning. As the time drew nearer and nearer to noon people were getting desperate looking into windows to catch what they could on TVs inside restaurants, pushing and shoving and demanding tables! It was crazy, but we were happy because we were inside with food and drink and most importantly TVs!!

We watched the festivities live on the TV with a crowed full of people in the restaurant. It was a magical moment. People sat in silence as Obama spoke and hooted and hollered when was appropriate. They laughed at his jokes they stood in applause when it was over!

Even though I didn't make it to the mall or get to see it up close and personal, I wouldn't have had it any other way.

"Yes we can!"

Ger and I ready to go out into the freezing cold to catch a glimpse of anything

YAY warmth and yummy food!

And TVs with CNNs live coverage!!

President Obama

The crowd who didnt get seats watching the TV

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