Monday, January 26, 2009

HPU Friends Unite

This past weekend I got together with Earlene and Bri in Maryland. It had been at least 3 years since I had seen Bri! Its so strange to see people outside of the normal places you have seen them.

I don't really keep in touch with many HPU students or Alumni. I was always too busy working and doing other things to make a whole lot of friends. It also didn't help that I worked a full time job that kept me from "hanging out" in my college days. I met Bri my sophomore year of college and we ended up having classes for years and had similar interests in life that kept us friends. Earlene, is great. That's all I have to say about her! I always love hanging out or being around her. She is so positive and sees the best in things, yet she is down to earth and real. How can you not like a wonderful individual like that. And her family is just as wonderful.

Earlene invited Bri and her family (Kori, her husband and Jack, their 7 month year old) and I to come to her house for a Hawaiian style dinner. We had Kalua Pig, Cabbage and Rice. It was SOOO YUMMY!!! Oh I want to make it so badly just because it was so good! (Note to self: get a crock pot soon!)

I made Haupia for the first time. It was interesting. I'm really not too sure it was delicious, but it wasn't bad for my first attempt.

The company was great. We sat around and talked story and oooed and awwed at the baby! I enjoyed it far more than I can express.

A special Thanks to Earlene and Steve for a delicious dinner yet again!

Picture of Bri, Jackson, Earlene and I (stolen from Bri's blog)

1 comment:

Bri said...

yea! you are posting again! It was so great seeing you all!