Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A new start?

Well after weeks of sitting around Ger's apartment depressed and unmotivated to actually go out and get a new job, apartment, etc. I finally one day got up and started. It wasn't any special day and there really wasn't any special reason. My motivation just came flying back!

So I did a 2 round interview for a preschool whom I am still waiting to hear from because they havent made a final decision.

I also did some apartment shopping. I found that there was no way I could afford my own place making $8 an hour, but I could possibly get my own room in someone else's home. I ended up finding a girl who was looking for someone to take the second room in her two bedroom apartment. When I met up with her I learned that she is much younger that someone I ideally wanted to live with, but I LOVED the apartment! I really like the layout and its so white and clean. I learned more about her and decided to take the apartment. So I moved in last Sunday (with the help of Ger and Dave because they are great!)!

I realized that I had wayyyy more stuff than I thought I did. I think it looked like more because it was in 100 small boxes instead of large boxes because they had been transported from California and put into small nooks and crannies of Gers apartment. I have been spending the past few days slowly unpacking. I need some furniture, but am learning that what I want is a bit pricey and have decided that I am not going to settle, but instead save money and live out of boxes until I can afford what I want.

So I now live in Bethesda (Chevy Chase MD). Its a great neighborhood. A little more upper class than I can afford when it comes to shopping and what not, but provides a lot of window shopping. I found a great small Japanese Grocery store and the lady seems to love speaking Japanese with me and is very kind.

The new roomie is nice. She is 19 years old, but seems to have a good head on her shoulders. I think she has a lot to learn about life, but seems to be approaching things well. She bought a cat who is also getting used to the new digs and is totally cute! I dont think we will be best friends, but so far the roommate thing is working just fine.

So I guess one might say I am settling in nicely. Hopefully a fresh start.

PS- will keep you posted on the job thing.

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