Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Metro-life

One of my favorite parts about taking transportation like the DC metro is people watching.

I love watching people on the metro. I stare. I sometimes notice that I make people uncomfortable because its obvious that I am staring at them. I love the ethnic, cultural, physical diversity of people that I see. I LOVE to sit on a train and be able to see the whole car and just on that one car see the stereotypical business guy in a suit, older man with a backpack, college kid with headphones, couple engrossed in one another, 20something girl all dolled up, 60 year old woman in fur coat...etc. I sometimes find myself laughing or giggling out loud at people. They are so fascinating to watch. I cant read or play a game on the metro because I am too busy people watching.

Next time you are on any form of public transportation... look up and watch. People are incredibly fascinating!

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