Saturday, January 10, 2009

2008- life changing

A new year - 2009

Its come so fast! This past year has been a whirl wind of events for me. 2008 was a life changing year.

I started off the year in the most comfortable place I have known in a long time. In an apartment I had been living in for 3 years. With a job and incredible co-workers that I loved. My biggest struggles in life were trying to figure out what the best word in Japanese would be when I was trying to explain something. I had learned to appreciate that my students were growing and becoming better people in life. The only absence I felt was the absence of a lead male. It was a simple yet wonderful little life.

In spring it hit me that I was going to leave my simple and wonderful life for the great unknown. I started cleaning things out, packing, shipping and stressing about the future to come. It was an emotional time... preparing to leave.

It wasn't until July that the emotional realities hit me harder than ever expected. Saying good bye to people who have played such a big part of your life is never easy. In fact its more difficult than anyone can ever imagine! At the same time I was doing my best to help the new teacher, Wilfred, become accustom to the Nagai life style. Its difficult and comforting to have the opportunity to guide the person taking over your position. Its difficult because you don't want them to be better, you don't want your students to like them more, you don't want them to screw things up, you want and don't want so much from them. And then its comforting because you can share so much with them, you can explain and show them things in hopes that they will do better than you and succeed in all their endeavours and hopefully that will benefit the students and co-workers that you had worked with for so long. All for the greater good. When I wasn't with Wilfred I was saying good-byes, packing and erasing myself from the life I had loved so much. Usually resulting in crying myself to sleep so that I could be strong during the day and put on a smile.

Leaving Japan was hard.

Arriving into America was great. The first few days were full of self pity, crying and slight depression. However, the next few months were about soul searching, fresh starts, exploring and enjoying what life brings. I visited many friends that hadn't seen in years!! I connected with people who I thought I had lost. It was amazing!! I even drove across country and learned more about America and our culture than I had ever taken the time to realize before. I tried new things and explored the country and myself. I learned things like Sunrise is so much more beautiful than sunset, that I love southern country food, that there is nothing better than hanging with my sister, that Oklahoma is a wonderful state and that there is a reason that we say "southern hospitality". The first few months were incredible and educational.

When I arrived in to DC in Fall I was just happy to be in one place and unpack some things. But after I had started to settle the reality hit. I have no job, I live with my friend, and have to start over. This was so incredibly depressing to me. I went into a kind of depression. I didn't know anyone, I didn't want to know anyone, I job hunted, but didn't want any job besides the one I had back in Japan. I was unhappy. I have never felt so unhappy. With encouragement from my family and Ger I got up off my butt and started to actively job hunt; but with the economy the way it is and being the end of the year things were not looking hopeful. Out of desperation for a job and a reason to start living I applied at a paint your own pottery shop called All Fired Up and they hired me the next day! My timing was great and I was able to start working 3-4 days a week right off the bat. I finally was feeling like my old self again with some purpose. It wasn't the best paying job, it wasn't challenging, it wasn't really on my level at all-but it got me out and socializing again. And it helped me earn just enough cash to take on my end of the year trip to California and Las Vegas.

The last few days of the year were spent in California on vacation at my dads house. Although I missed my sister dearly because she wasn't there, I kept busy by visiting with my step-brother and other family members. JoeyD and Monique, friends of mine from Japan, flew over and I even had the chance to show them around.

The very last days of the year I spent in Las Vegas with JD, Monique and Maggy. Maggy and I had such a great time sightseeing and going where ever the wind took us up and down the Las Vegas Strip. We made friends where ever we went, spent more than we should and laughed constantly! It was the perfect end to the year.

2008-what a year!!

I am very excited that it is 2009. I feel lucky this year!! I have decided that this year is going to be a life changing year for the positive. A new job, a new apartment, a new man??... perhaps all three?? I will keep you posted!!

Happy new year to all my avid readers and best of luck in the next 12 months!!


Bri said...

Wishing you three wishes!

Deanna said...

We just got back from 3 yrs in Germany...I know exactly how you feel! Thanks for sharing.