Sunday, January 25, 2009

Nontraditional-traditional Christmas

Christmas this year was nice.

How you view the holidays is so different as you get older. The magic gets lost somewhere, but the realities become something you appreciate and its no longer about getting and more about giving. Its kind of a nice circle that we go through with the holidays.

This year was the same. Wake up with the immediate family (which keeps growing!!) and do stockings. Then presents and breakfast. Then get ready. Then go to Beth (or an equivalent family members) house. Open big stockings (ones where we all help fill by adding one or two items to each persons stocking). Open presents to and from each other. Play stealing game. Eat good food. Some people go home and others stay and drink the night away.

This year I was in the drink the night away category and drank way too much tequila. But in a way (not in the way that I spent the next morning puking it all up) it was a nice bonding time that I really enjoyed and wouldn't have traded for the world!

YAY to a nontraditional-traditional Christmas! And to family!

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