Monday, January 26, 2009

Las Vegas- New Years 2009

There is so much to blog about when it comes to my trip to Las Vegas, but I will keep it to the interesting parts.

We drove from northern California to Las Vegas (not the best decision in my opinion, it caused more bickering and frustration then it did an enjoyable time because we are ALL backseat drivers). We spent the night at my Auntie K's house and had a nice turkey dinner and played games. It was very kind of them to let me and my friends impede upon them and their house. Joey D really had a good time petting the kitties and I enjoyed playing games!

Poor Maggy had arrived a day early. Somewhere in the midst of all the planning and what not our arrival days were off. Her friend Jessica was kind enough to let Maggy stay with her until we arrived the next day and from what I understand they had a great time!

When we arrived into Las Vegas Monique and Joey D were exhausted from doing most of the driving. Since I had slept some and was so excited to be there I decided to go and take in the sights and catch up with Maggy and Jessica. The three of us walked up and down one end of the strip and ate some good food and saw some funny things! We had such a good time just walking and going where ever the wind took us!

Maggy, Jessica and I somewhere on our first day

Jessica and Maggy by the Chocolate Fountain in the Belaggio

That night we had tickets to see Zumanity! A risque Cirque Du So lei Show. It was incredible! Their shows are always the best. This one was so funny and so entertaining as well as amazing! It was worth every penny!!! I think we all sat in awe and enjoyed every minute of it.

The next day Monique really wanted to go shopping (its so funny, she is so Japanese because Americans never really spend that much time shopping in Las Vegas... the only people that really do are either super rich, frequently visit Las Vegas or are Japanese) so Joey D went with her while Maggy and I explored the other half of the strip.

No matter how many time I go to Las Vegas, I still love just walking up and down the strip!

Maggy and I made friends every place we went. On the bus, in elevators, at the bars... didn't matter! I even got a lap dance from a half naked guy in an elevator! I guess we are just cool like that!

We made our way down to the Stratosphere and had decided to do one of the attractions at the top! There were three choices.. all of which looked super scary! It took a lot of convincing just to get me to wait in line!! Then when we got to the front I was freaked out... yes me, the one who loves all things fast and high! I sat in the seat and the man said "this is kind of tight, but I can push the bar and get you to fit in"... I was so freaked out that I said... "no thank you.. I want out". And so I didn't go on it, but Maggy did!!! She said it wasn't that scary and then I was bummed I didn't try to get him to push the bar closed. But oh well.

Me and Maggy on the top of the Stratosphere

The ride Maggy went on

We had to walk the whole way down from the Stratosphere to the Imperial Palace where we were staying because the streets were closed due to it being new years eve. On our one hour walk back we met two guys from Mexico that were hot and offered to get us drunk. Missing our two friends Monique and Joey D we declined and headed back to the hotel room. We all got dressed up and headed out for a night on the town. We tried to see Evil Knievel, but we couldn't. We walked the strip but it was packed. We tried to gamble, but some people didn't like gambling and ended up in Margarita ville!! Its so funny, two years before I told Nate "Next time I am here I will ring in a new year in Margarita ville" and I almost did. I met a nice guy and danced with him and Maggy and I sang to every song and danced and laughed. At 10 to midnight we went out side and brought in 2009 with the other hundreds of thousands of people crowding the streets! We took many pictures and then decided we were tired and went back to the hotel room!

A Spooky Monique, Joey D and Maggy

A Spooky Me

Maggy, Joey D and Monique in Margarita Ville

Joey D and I share the love

Me and Maggy having a blast!

Happy New Years 2009 Shot with some strange guy in the background! LOL

The next day Monique and Joey D wanted to see the strip (they had been there two days and hadn't seen much yet!) so we all wandered the area together. The only real time we spent hanging out together. We ever rode the New York New York roller coaster! That night Monique was tired so she slept while Joey D, Maggy and I had dinner at the Harley Davidson Restaurant and walked around seeing the lights of Las Vegas!!

Me, Maggy and JoeyD at the Harley Davidson Place

Me and JoeyD waiting for the fountains to go off

Maggy had to leave the next morning and Joey D and Monique went on a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas Strip so I spent the morning wandering, shopping and gambling! I won $50 on a penny slot machine and decided that I broke even!

I was winning!!

All in all it was a fun trip to say the least. And my favorite part was spending time with Maggy seeing the Las Vegas sights!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

<3 Mine too! Las Vegas with you rocked! =]