Monday, January 26, 2009

Southern Cali

After Las Vegas JoeyD, Monique and I drove to southern California. I offered to let them stay at my mothers house to save some money and to show them where I grew up and to meet some of my really cool friends. I was so excited that Sandra had also decided to stay in town so that we could hang out a bit!

There was so much traffic going back into Southern Cali that a normal 2-3 hour drive took 6 hours!! It was crazy!! We finally got in around 10pm and I was super surprised to find that Phil and Katya were there waiting for us with my mother and Pete! It was a nice surprise and I was shocked at how pregnant Katya had gotten over the course of just a few months! She looked like she was about ready to pop. I was so excited to be home and JoeyD was also caught up in the excitement so Phil suggested I call Nate and Sandi and get us all together like usual! I am always up for our little reunions so I called them and everyone came over! We were all talking and being so loud and joking, but Monique was tired and my mom needed to sleep so we decided to head out to Dennys where we could be as loud as we wanted. We went and sat at a long table and told stories and laughed for a few hours before deciding we were exhausted. I was so excite that JoeyD took to my childhood/high school friends. He fit in like he had been there with the rest of us forever!

The next morning a few of us got together and had breakfast at Ihop and sat around again telling stories and eating good breakfast food.

I love breakfast.

After breakfast we went to Target and did some shopping! JoeyD and Monique once again bought all kinds of things!

When we got back to my house my step-father and Josh were there cleaning out my step-fathers things (he hasn't lived in that house for 3 years or so, but still had all kinds of things in the garage that needed to be taken out). Their timing was so shitty, but not surprising. So I didn't get the chance to help JoeyD and Monique load the car and say a proper good-bye because I was helping to prevent a fight between my mother and step-father. Who were surprisingly civilized besides the side comments they made to one another.

So JoeyD and Monique left and so did my step-father and Josh, leaving Sandi, my mom and I. We decided to hang out and go see Benjamin Button (a GREAT movie, but VERY long). It was nice hanging out with Sandi doing nothing particular. I have learned that the people I enjoy the most in life are people that you don't really need to do "something" with, but rather do "nothing" with.

The last few days in town I spent with my family visiting, going to church and hanging out. It was a short trip home, but I had spent quite a bit of time over summer there so it wasn't too bad. My mom looked like she was doing well and moving forward in life. Redlands looked the same.

It was an incredibly fast, yet fairly long vacation going from place to place, but it was nice because I felt as if I got to see almost all the people I really wanted to see and spend time with.

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