Friday, November 14, 2008

Off to Earlene's house I go

Last weekend I had the privilege of going to a college friends house in Maryland.

Earlene and I met my senior year of college in some grad classes. We instantly became friends: after all we are both extremely social and love making friends. She moved to Maryland with her husband and 3 kids about 3 years ago. I visited them 2 years ago and they were in the middle of building their big brand new house next to his parents house. And this weekend it was wonderful to go inside and see what they had been so excited to finish for so long! It a big beautiful 4 bedroom house with an in law unit. They still have plans for making the basement into a guest area and den and hope to get a swimming pool in the next few years.

Earlene and Steve made us Chicken Katsu for dinner (bringing a little Hawaii/Japan to the east coast) and we drank some yummy Mojitos! Sunday we went to church and I watched Earlene teach a 1st grad class for Sunday School. And they even sent me off having been fed bacon, eggs and rice.

It was a wonderful weekend and nice to hang out and chit chat. Just a kind of weekend I needed!


Bri said...

You saw earlene??? I have been meaning to email her back!

Monica Jo said...

you should!! The three of us should get together one day!