Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Accross country plan

At first glance at the maps and internet I have decided that this will be my route to Florida and then to DC.

California to Grand Canyon Arizona
6 hours 45 minutes travel time
September 24th

Grand Canyon Arizona to Albuquerque New Mexico
6 hours travel time
Septmeber 25th

Albuquerque New Mexico to Wichita Falls Texas

Visiting Nate during his Air Force training for 2 days
7 hours 53 minutes travel time
September 26th

Wichita Falls Texas to San Antonio Texas

Visiting Jax, my old roommate and sisiter and Alan like promised for years for a week or so
6 hours 6 minutes travel time
September 28thth

San Antonio Texas to Chorpus Christi Texas
2 hours 10 minutes Travel time

Go one day to visit my step-brother while I am staying in San Antonio

San Antonio Texas to New Orleans Louisiana
8 hours 20 minutes travel time
October 5th

New Orleans Louisiana to Mobile Alabama
2 hours 13 minutes travel time
October 6th

Mobile Alabama to Panama City Florida
3 hours 16 minutes travel time
October 7th

Panama City Florida to Orlando Florida
5 hours 45 minutes travel time
October 8th

Step sisters birthday dinner October 9th
Step sisters rehersal dinner for wedding October 10th
Step sisters wedding October 11th
Her Honeymoon with the family 12-16th
Disney world fun 17-19th

Orlando Florida to Atlanta Georgia
6 hours 45 minutes travel time
October 20th

Atlanta Georgia to Cincinnati Ohio
7 hours and 6 minutes travel time
October 21st

Cincinnati Ohio to Pittsburgh Penn
4 hours 40 minutes travel time

October 22nd

Pittsburgh Penn to Washington DC
4 hours 15 minutes travel time
October 23rd

Start looking for a job and get settled in and be happy to be in one place!

Interviewing, interviewing, interviewing

I have had 3 job interviews in the past week. One in Redlands, one in San Diego and one in Rancho Cucamonga.

The one in Redlands was my first. It was for Tri-Universal. They immediately asked me to come in for a job Shadow and then asked me to go in for a third interview, but I declined because it was my first interview and I had two others the same day at the third interview for Tri-Universal. I wasn't too impressed. They wanted me to do Sales my first few months at Home Depot and I wasn't thrilled with that. But the salary was fantastic so it was very difficult to turn it down but I did.

The second was in San Diego for another marketing company called HL International. They were much bigger than the one in Redlands and had many more clients! However there were many people in and out of the office and I felt like it was hard to stand out in such a big crowd. All of the people were around my age and seemed fake. They did call me that night and asked me to come in for a second interview, but I turned them down.

The third was in Rancho Cucamonga for Marketing Alliance. This company was much more professional. The office staff was kind and knew what they were doing. The office was not over crowded with people running in and out. The man hiring was professional and took the time to answer all my questions and didn't make me feel like I was being pushed through the interview process. I liked them a lot and when they called me in for a second interview I accepted. However after thinking about it all night and feeling stress over getting things packed before my trip to northern California and thinking about how I really want to relocate to DC and not stay in Southern California, I decided to call and decline.

So I interviewed at three marketing companies and now know that if I choose to, that I am an individual that marketing firms want. So maybe when I get to DC I will look into working for a marketing firm. Good side is that I have had some good practice with interviewing! YAY!

Sunday, August 24, 2008



Well I have been pretty busy doing nothing special.

I have been spending a lot of time catching up with old high school friends. Hung out at Jennifer Poe's house and talked for 4 hours about life. She shattered her ankle bone, so we just hung out at her place.

I spent last Wednesday and Thursday with my sister and mother in San Diego. We drove down and went to the San Diego Zoo and Sea World. We had a lot of fun looking and laughing at the cute animals. We even saw a 1 day old baby giraffe! Oh and Shamu!!! However, it was really hot and we were cranky.

When I got back from San Diego I had 3 business emailing me for job interviews around southern California. The first interview I went to was here in Redlands and it was for TriUniversal Marketing company. They called me in the next day for a job shadow and have now offered me a job. But I would have to start from the bottom up with sales. I'm not too interested in Sales, but they are wanting to train and move people up to management within a year. After being in management for over a year the salary is between 50k-80k a year. Not so interested in the job, but am interested in the salary. I keep thinking about how I could stay just for a few years and then switch to what I want to do, but I'm thinking of declining it because I don't like sales. I still have a day to think about it before I call and tell them yes or no.

Today I have been busy preparing for a BBQ I'm hosting at my house for all my friends and their families. We are having an old fashioned BBQ! It should be fun!!

This coming Wednesday my sister Jessica and I will be driving to Northern California. We will be staying at my Aunties house before we head to my dads. I will stay there for about a week before heading back here to So Cali and then I will decide what my plans will be for the rest of the summer and fall.

I hope all my avid readers are having a good summer. I have been reading your blogs and keeping myself as up to date as I can be.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back in Cali

Well I remember why I didn't want to move back to Cali. I knew that there were reasons, I just had forgotten most of them. I was reminded my first few days back: smog, weather, price of living, rude people..... etc.

It is nice to spend time with my family, but also incredibly difficult. We don't see eye to eye on many things and we all take things so personally, in the end we end up arguing about stupid stuff that really doesn't matter on the scale of life.

It has been nice catching up with a few of my longest and closest friends. Phil and Katya are pregnant and Phil is looking for a new job and even considering relocation. Nate is getting ready to do some Air Force Reserves training in Texas for 3 months. Sandi is job hunting, but in the mean time spending a few weeks watching her siblings and hanging out with us while her mother is in Hawaii with the new granddaughter Lily. And here I am.

I have been keeping myself busy. I painted my mothers new guest bed room and made her order a trundle bed and new carpet. The painting took a while, but looks great! All I have left to do is the closet and bathroom. She also turned my old room into a game room complete with a billiard table. I have been shopping and doing small projects. One of which included helping Katya throw a birthday party for Phil (pictures and details to come).

I haven't ran into any old high school students that I dislike. Actually I haven't really ran into many high school friends at all and that's the way I like it. I hope it stays that way.

I do, however, find myself fascinated by people and the things they do. Americans are so different; in good and bad ways.

Its just nice to be back for a short period of time. I hope you all are enjoying your summers. Don't be strangers and blog often!

Last days in Japan

The last few days in Japan is kind of a blur. There were many good-bye parties and lots of crying. It was especially hard to leave my 7 year old student who happens to also be my bosses daughter and best friend. She was so cute and kept writing me letters good-bye. I will miss her dearly.

I was pretty good the day I left until good-byes started. I woke up late, so I really wasn't my self when Takako came bye and left. But cried a bit when Tomohide and his family came out as well as my neighbor. It wasn't until Yoshi hugged me in front of my train and cried while he whispered into my ear "thank you for 3 great years" and then Chikako hugged me... I just started crying like no tomorrow.

The shinkansen to Tokyo was hard. I just kept thinking about how this was my last train ride while I lived there and kept thinking about all the things and people I would miss from the bottom of my heart.

It was one of the most difficult days of my life. Right up there with my best friends mom's funeral when I was 18 years old.

But then again, as many people often remind me, I have many things to be thankful for and I learned so much. I wouldn't have changed it any other way.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mizu Matsuri

On August 2nd I went to the Mizumatsuri which is famous for their fireworks. Everyone comes and sits on the lawn and stairs in the afternoon and eat and drink from all the shops that line up. There is Yakisoba, Yakitori, beer, shaved ice and many other kinds of booths. Everyone dresses up in summer kimonos and stop to say hello to friends and acquaintances. Its a wonderful festival! So of course I went and dragged my friends along with me.

My friend Naoko who lived in LA for a few years

Daisuke didn't want to take a picture

Yusei kun and his younger brother

Mihana, Susuha and Riko

Our spot on the grass. JD, Heather and Maggy

Heather, JD and Wilfred (the new teacher who is replacing me)


More omiage (souvenirs) from friends and students.

I'm so blessed. They were all too good to me, I feel so spoiled! It will be impossible for me to forget Japan and everyone I care so much for!
Stack able cups from Norihiko

Yamagata Candies, Candles and Christmas Earrings from Misako

Book of Nagai Cherry blossoms from Yuko

A Japanese cloth to carry or cover things from Takako Tezuka

Summer Vegetable cloth from Mikiko

Cat fan with cover and Chop Sticks from Takako (she also made me a scrap book, but I forgot to take pictures of it before I packed it in a box to send back to America)

My high school girls Yuka and Rika bought me bath stuff and a keep cool bottle (they said they also have the same bottles so to think of them when I use mine)

Yoshi and Chikako had a Yukata made for me. This is the Obi that has flowers and butterflies on it and its the most beautiful color of pink!

And the base of the Yukata is full of beautiful cherry blossoms with a light pink background!