Monday, May 26, 2008

Another weekend in Nagai

The Kuro Shishi Festival was a hit as always! I love going every year. I always ask my students if they will be attending and they always say no, I have no idea how one can not have the interest of seeing Nagai in action!!!

So to start the weekend off JD came over to watch Lost. I'm totally addicted and love that he shares in it with me. Then Maggy and Heather came from up north and we had an unexpected early visit from Monique. Fumi met us at Shiraku where we ran into our first Shishi of the night and took pictures with a bunch of business men that found us fascinating. Went into the Izakaya to find that these men were part of a huge group eating at the same place!! They were entertaining to me, but I think Monique and a few others felt they were being a bit impeding and eventually chased them away. But we did manage to eat some good food and chit chat a bit and then Nicole came and heather left. We say 2 more shishi who came into our restaurant and wished us all good luck.

Then it was off to the park area where the main attractions were. We saw many more shishi, food and our other gaijin friends: Rebecca, Chrissy, Clair, Matty and others. We all hung around and chit chatted a bit before the rain really started to come down and a group of us ended up back at my house playing cards, drinking and watching questionable videos. Poor Monique was trying to get some rest, but we were all too loud! Sorry Monique!

Sunday we all went to Yamagata where we tried to do some shopping in preparation for next weekends 80s party. I think some people got some good things and others did well not spending any money.

Today I met Willfred. He is my replacement here in Japan. Hes from LA. Cool guy. I think he is Chinese-American. Sounds very Californian. Seems to love Japan and in the hour I spent talking to him I learned he hopes to have a family someday (random and interesting thing to learn about a person). His Japanese is pretty good and from what I hear he is a bit of a health freak and a little small (Fits right in to the Japanese male visual). Anyways I hope you all give him a chance.

Besides that I have been busy applying to random companies online for anything that deals with coordination or even planning. Trying to get my foot in the door. Not trying as hard as I could be, but at least doing something. Next goal is to purchase my ticket out of here, but I'm procrastinating because its soo friggin expensive.

Hope you all had a good weekend!!

Special thanks to all those that wished me a happy birthday, its not quite my birthday yet, but thank you for thinking of me!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Early Presents

Recently I haven't really been going out much in hopes of saving money so that I can actually ship my stuff home and buy a plane ticket for August sooner rather than later.

Hadn't really thought of the others this affects, but my friends who own a bar-like place that I go to often have been feeling left out and started messaging me asking when I was going to come and visit. I felt bad as I explained that I couldn't afford it.

So this morning after I finished my home made french toast, I got a phone call seconds before my door bell rang and it was my friend Maki who works at Paradise. She brought me a souvenir from Australia and a birthday present! I was so surprised and touched. She brought me this cute cake purse, towel and a butterfly magnet from Australia. She always gets me presents that I think are so cute!! Usually lots of pink or butterflies. This cake purse is something else.... take a look!

Isn't it cute?! Never seen fabric look more delicious! Now I feel guilty and will have to stop by Paradise soon and say my thank you's.

Also go my present from my family in the mail today. Even though I have been protesting and telling everyone that I don't want to have a birthday this year, they all have still insisted on it. Should be grateful and appreciate the thoughts, but I was serious when I said I didn't want anything.

Monday, May 19, 2008

caught between worlds

I have been feeling caught between worlds, one world which I know and one that is not yet decided. And because I have been feeling caught, I believe I have not been the best person, worker or friend that I can be.

When I emotionally feel stressed or unsure of things I have a tendency to become moody and not quite myself. To others I seem distant, uncaring and cold; but really I'm freaked out, stressed and scared shit less. My poker face is good when its life and not just a game.

I hate knowing that I am being the silent me. I see myself pushing others away, getting irritated easily and picking fights; but its hard for me to stop. back track. apologize. be forgiven. and move on.

Because I have felt this way I have gone into hiding more than usual. I'm a social person, if I were rich Id be a classic socialite. I thrive on group activities, but I have been alone and in my own little world recently and slowly stressing my way into sickness and who knows what else.

All of this because of my uncertainties of the future. My future.

Thank you to all friends who let me have my moments and don't take them personally, I'm sorry to those who do, its not your fault-its mine.

As the months draw nearer to then end of Japan as I know it, I know it will only get worse. Bear with me my dear friends... bear with me.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Some people hate going to their boss's house for dinner

Some people hate going to their boss's house for dinner, but not me!

Being invited to my boss's house for dinner means:

a) Eating really good home made Japanese food.
b) Playing with their 3 daughters and being able to talk to them in Japanese because they aren't actually in class.
c) Drinking some form of Alcohol
d) Having the boss's wife call my other boss to ask if I can have more days off in the week

Yes, you read correctly. I repeat "having the boss's wife call my other boss to ask if I can have more days off in the week".

Usually I only work 1-2 hours on Monday mornings and have the rest of the day off. English School is closed on Mondays and Kindergarten has a gym teacher that comes in to teach on Mondays so we go to kindergarten from about 9:30-11:00 on Monday's for "play time" and have the rest of the day off. I don't think going for such a short amount of time really bothers either one of us (us being the English teachers) and its play time so its not like we have to prepare or anything.

So at dinner out of the blue my boss's wife, Yukiko (by the way when they say the woman is the power behind the man, they mean it), said "Oh you don't have to work tomorrow, right?" and we proceeded to explain that we go in for play time on Monday's because of gym. And she looked at us as if we were crazy for going in for just an hour or so when we have the rest of the day off. She then started talking to my boss, Tomohide, in rapid Japanese about how its pointless we work tomorrow. Then they started asking if we want the day off tomorrow, and Renee and I joked and then said "Its OK, we really don't mind. Its not difficult."

About an hour later the topic came up again and they she got out her phone to call and talk to our other boss, Yoshi (gotta love small towns- Yukiko and Yoshi are brother and sister and Yukiko and Tomohide own the school, but Yoshi runs it and is our direct boss). She calls him and says "Monica and Renee don't want to work tomorrow. Why do they have to work on mondays when there is gym class on monday's?" and starts a big ordeal. You can tell Yoshi isn't happy on the other end of the line and Renee and I cringe because it wasn't our idea in the first place and weren't complaining about our 1 hour work day. Then the phone is handed to Tomohide who leaves the room to work out a "deal".

New work schedule: No School AT ALL on Mondays, but working 15 minutes longer every other day of the week at kindergarten.

How many times do you go to your boss's house for dinner and come out with an extra day off??

I love my job.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Gers Visit to Japan

What a week!!

My friend who lives in DC, Ger, visited this past week. We met in France when we were 22 and ended up great friends and have traveled all over together. It took me almost 3 years to finally get her to Japan and it was great!! Golden Week is usually a week long, but this year it was a 4 day weekend for those of us in Japan. Ger got in on Saturday and we met up with Nathaniel in Shinjuku for Dinner and a drink. She was pretty exhausted from the time change, but we insisted she stay up at least until after 10pm. Sunday morning JD arrived and the four of us started our day in Asakasa by taking the Sumida River Boat Cruise to Odiba Island. We at lots of food, including Kua Aina (a Hawaiian Hamburger Place) and Cinnabun. Then we were off to Tokyo Tower before checking JD into the hotel and going for a multi-ethnic dinner. We all sat around telling stories and jokes. Im sure JD learned a lot about my past from listening to Nathaniel, Ger and I reminice about France 4 years ago. Monday we went back to Asakasa for Dennys breakfast (which those of us in Japan were so happy to eat) and to go shopping and show get the Temple and Pagoda. Then we went to Akihabra so the tech geeks could look around and Ger could find something for her brothers. We headed back to Shinjuku and ran into my friend Kat who lives in Yamagata-City (small world!). Nathaniel then took us to an incredible (and expensive) Italian restraunt before he left to catch the bus back home. JD decided to stay one more night and him, Ger and I went for drinks in an English Pub and chatted some more. The next morning JD insisted that we go to Shibuya crossing for breakfast at Starbucks and it was well worth while!! We were so shocked by all the people who cross the street at the same time.

Then it was back on the Shinkansen to show Ger where I call home. She was very shocked to realize that I really do live in a small town and it was hard for her to believe high strung me was happy here. I had to work, so she just relaxed and hung out. We played many card games and scrabble between my classes. She even came to kindergarten with me and the kids LOVED her and she loved them, even though she kept tell them she had no idea what they were saying. I think she learned why I love teaching kindergarten so much. We tried to go out in my town, but because it was the middle of the week and golden week many places were closed and not many people were out and about.

Friday it was back to Tokyo for Gers last night in Japan. I ALWAYS go to TGIFridays for dinner when I go to Tokyo so we went, ate lots of food, drank a lot and watched the hot bartended spin bottles. It was still too early and we were feeling pretty good after drinking quite a bit so we started asking people on the stree where they reccomended and we ended up at a Hooka Bar where the hot man sitting next to us at TGIF had gone, ironically enough. Ger found out he was brazilian before the belly dancer started dancing. Next we headed to another bar where we met some cool workers. One of which was a hot guy named Rob from Poland and the other a beautiful young girl who is half Purivian and half Japanese. Then two Canadians came in the door and we started drinking with them! Last part of the night I fell in the street and busted my knee (nothing new, but it hurt) and we went dancing before heading back to our hotel at 4am. We woke up around 7am and Ger missed her train to Narita, but still got there in time to fly right though the airport and jump on the plane. I came back right after she left and did everything in my power not to puke on the train from all the drinking we had done the night before.

A total Monica and Ger vacation! I miss her already!!

Attack of the Ramen

So I did the funniest thing today and it scared me and pissed me off.

I made Ramen for lunch. I usually don't eat much Ramen unless I cook it because I like it a certain way and today Ramen just sounded good to me. I decided that I wanted to eat a tortilla with it (don't ask, I'm strange). The Ramen bowl was so hot I couldn't carry it so I tucked my hands into my sweatshirt sleeve and proceeded to carry my tortilla in one hand and the other my huge bowl. I usually have my computer out and today I was watching Lost via Internet, so of course I wanted to eat and watch Lost. As I got to the table I tripped over my large pants and the entire Ramen Bowl went flying! It was like one of those slow motion scenes where it gets quiet and its in mid air when you say "****!!!". So most of my Ramen landed on top of my computer, juices and all. And on my TV remotes, cell phone and mic for my computer. Not to mention splashed all over my couch, floor and wall. ATTACK OF THE RAMEN!!!

I jumped up and ran for paper towels in order to clean my computer first, when it was decent I moved to my cell phone, mic and remotes before getting to the wall, couch and floor. I was freaking out over my computer and called JD who told me to let it dry and take the battery out and I did. I then deep cleaned it taking off all of the keys and cleaning every place I could. 2 hours later I turned it on, defraged, and now its working just fine. THANK GOODNESS!!!!

Just another Monica moment in life that I thought Id share.