Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New Tattoo

Hope you all are happily suprised to find out that I got a new tattoo yesterday.

I went in hoping to get this.

Came out having gotten this:

Must say - it came out beautiful!! It wasnt as random as Id like to claim. It was actually something I was considering and was a lot cheaper and Im more than happy with it. Its on my back right under my butterfly. It directly translates as "day by day devotion to ones self growth".

Nicole from Yamagata City came with me. She got four very cute stars on her lower back that were very well done! The lady was wonderful, but was a bit irritating when she kept having to stop to answer the phone and help other customers, but what can you do when the receptionist hasnt arrived yet?!

They lady is a fantastic artist in my opinion and I reccomend her to anyone in Japan who wants a tattoo, but warning tattoos are about twice as expensive in Japan as they are in America. And tattoos are very very addicting! WARNING...

So all I have to say is... what will I get done next.....


MarlaSt said...

Hello. I have been following your blog for the last few months. I followed the link from Kim Lansdales blog. You have such a gift of writing and telling stories. It is a pleasure to read your postings. You post about things that all of us feel at some point in our lives. I just wanted to let you know that from what I read, you are a wonderful young lady, and surely will find great happiness in your life. Don't be afraid to be 'picky' about men. Geez, it's a lifelong commitment to get married. You do want to find the "right" one. Just keep being honest to yourself. And I wish you the very best. Take care

the blondegiraffe said...

Cool tat!
I think the Kanji you choose is very meaningful. I try to think of that everyday. Now I guess you will be since you get to see it everyday :). I hope you have a great time in Tokyo with Joey D and Ger (sp?)