Friday, April 11, 2008

Chris's Soirée

Chris had another wonderful Soiree on March 29th. Everyone dressed up beautifully, contributed some great art work and gathered for good food and drinks!

Jenny came in a beautiful Chinese-style blue dress and won best dressed. Kat made some wonderful sketches that won her best art work. Kathrine read some intense poetry. And at midnight we even celebrated Bridgetts birthday and our host serinaded us beautifully as usual.

I hope that Chirs thinks about hosting another one soon!

Jenny and her beautiful Chinese dress

Bridgettes birthday cake

Kathrines poetry reading

Maggy, JD and I looking good

I have no idea what JD and Monique are doing, but its entertaining

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...


I have no idea what we are doing either! And I was sober!!!

I hope he has another party soon too!

It's nice to get dressed up all swanky like...

I missed Kathryn's poetry! Was I in another room!?