Monday, April 28, 2008

Another friend gone....

I recently came to the realization that the reasons why a friend liked me were all a lie. How can you tell someone that you value a quality about them and then turn on them and hate them, talking behind their back about the same things that they did that you used to like? I guess some people value qualities about a person, except for when those qualities are aimed at them in a negative way.

There are drama queens in this world. Trust me, I know first hand, don't really believe I am one, but my mother is the definition of a drama queen. I don't like drama queens (but I love my mother). I think I have been caught in so much drama from other drama queens that I now am cautious about steering clear of them. And once again I let a drama queen in my life and I got burnt. But when you get burnt by a drama queen they feel the need to bring EVERY person you have in common into the picture to make them feel better. Its so ridiculous.

Out of fairness, I have been thinking. Did I push this drama queen into madness??

I'm getting ready to move somewhere new and that essentially means leaving many friends behind. Maybe I self consciously pushed this person into craziness in order to get mad back and therefore, essentially make it easier to leave them when the time comes. (Oh if only I thought that complexly). I doubt I'm doing that, but deep down know its somewhat of a possibility.

Sadness fills my heart when I think of loosing a friend. People dint value friendship enough in this world and it truly is a difficult thing to come by. In my mind... another friend gone.....

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