Friday, April 11, 2008

Spring Vacation

For spring vacation I went back home to San Fransisco and Seattle.
The first half of my vacation I spent time with my sister doing sisterly things. We went shopping, had lunch, played games, went to the movies and had a few drinks. We had a really good time just being sisiters.

The second half of my vacation I went to Seattle. 10 of my family members and myself rented an RV and drover about 15 hours from San Fran to Seattle. We had a great time chit chatting and catching up, they were very surpised to see me. When we arrived in Yelm, Washington my aunt was shocked when I surpised her. (I was the only one missing from the family party and pictures and it wasnt until last minute that things worked out so I was able to attend). We had a girls and boys day and caught up on family times. I even got to see my new baby cousin Masion!! I was so excited to see him, such a good baby with a killer smile! We took family portriats and then had a big family BBQ for my Aunt's 65th birthday! I got to see a lot of people I havent seen in a long time!!
One week was a short time for a vacation, but it was worth it! I enjoyed every minute of it!

My dad and sister

My cousin Bobby, his wife Krysta and their beautiful baby Mason

My cousin Krissy and I

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

Yaay! Glad you had a good time!!

Quick but worth it to see family members ay!