Monday, December 24, 2007

Ranting about my mothers visit

Sometimes I hate being the grown-up.

Do you ever feel that once you hit a certain age YOU start becoming the parent instead of your parents??

I feel like I have hit an age with my mother where I am the grown-up and she is the rebellious teen-ager. Actually, if you know my mother, you know that she never really grew out of the rebellious teen-ager phase in life, but recently its been worse! I think she just likes.... no needs the drama! Seriously it drives me crazy.

People say I'm very "mature" for my age and I think they are right. I have my shit together and I have lived around the world and I'm not even 25 yet! Granted, those avid blog readers of mind, know that I feel a big lack of other things in my life, but still I have been through more shit than most. But I think my maturity comes from having a parent that acts like shes still 16. Everything is a big deal, if things are going well then she finds a reason to stir shit up, every Holiday she finds a way to pick a fight, she refuses to help, to pick up after herself... I even do all the friggin cleaning and cooking!!!!! (I love cooking and cleaning, especially for others, but seriously I get tired too!!!).

I just wish that I could misbehave and be wild, instead of constantly worrying about what she is going to do next and how I can fix the problem. Its exhausting. I guess I'm remembering why I moved away from home almost 7 years ago!

I should end on a good note, because I have been sounding very pessimistic in my blog lately and I feel guilty about it. After all I try my best to be a optimistic person.

So my mother has been here for about 2 days now. Its been mostly good. We made a few cute little holiday crafts and laughed hysterically though making them. I made ginger bread man cookies. We decorated our own stockings and I cooked a good wonton soup! Yummy! Tomorrow is Christmas and I have high hopes for the day and am looking forward to cooking a great roast dinner! :)

Ending on a happy note... priceless.

1 comment:

Phoenix.Philosophy said...

What up Mo, Just wanna say Merry Xmas and FELIZ NUEVO ANO( you know the song haha)! I hope your holidays turn out better, usually if your outta the house being home for christmas can be kinda stressed out. Shit when I wasnt living at home, coming home for any holiday was a pain in my ass! But After coming back to live with them, I talked to both my folks about what kind of freedoms I needed in order to live there. Now holidays aren't so bad, arguments are few and far in between, and even though we still don't see eye to eye on alot of things they usually respect most of my decisions. Sometimes parents use arguments as an excuse to communicate their dissatisfaction with certian aspects of your relationship. You just kinda have to wade through it and find that common ground that refocuses your energies on spending time together being happy. Well take care Mo and I hope the rest of your holidays are awsome.