Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Is it time to pass on the adventure and time to settle in??

Every time I think I know where life is taking me and where I'm headed. Life throws me a curve ball. I can let it hit me, duck out of the way, or hit it and see where it goes. I'm a hitter.

But have I been hitting everything and not ducking out of the way when I should?

Ive done a lot and seen a lot. I have been places others only dream about or read in books. Ive experienced things I couldn't possibly put into words. People see me and my life and think its ideal and that I have the best of most worlds. But I have missed out on many things. I don't regret the things Ive done, its just that as the next pitcher comes to the plate and warms up getting ready to throw me another one, I wonder if I should keep hitting or not. Would ducking out of the way be a better path for me? And if I duck out of the way this one time, will it become a habit or a fear and be unable to ever hit again?

I guess when you see me I seem like an extrovert who rarely thinks, but honestly I find myself constantly questioning who I am, what I'm doing, where I'm going, how I'm getting places and why it is that I am the way I am. I spend many sleepless nights reflecting, thinking and day dreaming about my life. But to be honest I don't have any real clue what I'll be doing a year from now let alone the rest of my life. 6 years ago I was a high school student wanting to go to New York and become a magazine editor working my way up the corporate and political ladder. And here I am, having a degree in Public Relations from Hawaii, having traveled the world and studied many things and now living in Japan where I teach kindergarten. Once my idea of success was money, houses and status.... now its the laughter, tears and wisdom I find in my students. But this path wont pay, this path is lonely and this path is not always the easiest.

Is it time to pass on the adventure and time to settle in??

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