Monday, January 14, 2008

Doing good for others has its rewards

I have a few friends who have been down and out lately. Their winter vacations were ... well lets say "dramatic". We all have vacations or times in our lives where nothing seems to go right and we are feeling down and out. I recall a few times where life was shitty and I had no one around to vent to or to help cheer me up. So... when my friends were calling me upset and they were feeling down and out I decided to be pro-active.

I planned an entire weekend!!!

  1. Friday Night - Girls Night: Margaritas, boy bashing, game playing, dancing, drinking and an ending of Ramen.
  2. Saturday: Banana Pancake breakfast, relaxing and then after a sob fest we went out with Joey D (AKA: The king of LOL's), Japanese style picture taking, Italian dinner and movies.
  3. Sunday-Snow Day!: Woken up by the neighbor moving out (FRIGGING ANNOYING) at 9am, an attempt at a snowball fight and snowman making, driving in crazy snowy and windy conditions with JoeyD, attempting to Ice Skate, and a Mexican dinner cooked by me with movies and cards!
  4. Monday- By to Maggy Day :( :Going to Yamagata for lunch, shopping and possibly a movie as well as saying good-bye to Maggy until next weekend.

It was a great weekend! In trying my best to cheer up my friends, I found that I cheered myself up as well. It was so great to be surrounded by great people and to laugh so hard I cried! Thank you to all people who participated in this great weekend! BIG HUGS!

Quoted Highlights from the weekend include:

"Trans America........LOL"

"Farting's hot"

"Do you every daydream about Anime characters?"

"Spank em"

"Oh god"

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