Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The beauty nature brings

Have you ever seen the sun set in arrays of red or in deep purples and pinks? Have you ever seen the sky flame up in oranges and yellows and the sun disappear behind the mountains? Have you ever watched the sun glisten across the top of the ocean until you couldn't see it any longer?

Have you ever listened to the night sky? Heard the stillness and silence that the night brings or listened to the creatures that stir in the night? Have you every walked a country road in the deepness of summers night, thinking of all the other beings that lie under the blanketed sky with you?

Have you ever smelled the first rain of fall? Or listened to it patter on the asphalt below? Have you ever turned your face up to the sky and let it wash across your face with your eyes closed and your arms out and palms up?

Have you ever sat on rivers edge and tried to paint the indescribable image into your mind so not to ever forget?

Have you ever crunched in the freshly fallen snow? Fallen to the ground and played in it making snow angels and laughing with pure hearts delight in the moon light?

Have you ever taken the time to think of the beauty nature brings and all the things it has shared with you over the years?

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