Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I have been very far behind in my blogging since I have gotten to Washington DC. For that I apologize, this is me blogging a whole lot in one day to get everyone caught up.

First, I am happy to say that I have successfully moved into my new place. It’s a town house in Rockville Maryland. It’s about a 5-10 minute walk from the Grosvernor-Strathmore metro. The walk to the metro is beautiful, there is a man made pond that is surrounded by grass and it even has an island in the middle with a weeping willow tree. I am going to have to find the time to sit down and paint it one day. It’s in an area where there are a lot of apartment complexes and condos, so there is a little market and what not close by as well. The only bummer is that because I’m so far out of the city, most places are easier to get to by car. I have been renting a Zip Car every other weekend to go to the grocery store and what not, but besides that the metro takes me everywhere I need to go.
My roommates are very cool guys. There are two of them. The one that is on the third floor with me is Joe. Joe is 28 and works for the Department of Transportation, every time I talk to him I find out a little more about him. He isn’t an over talker, but he is social. His girlfriend, Jamie, comes down and stays with us every other weekend. I haven’t talked to her much, but she seems like a very nice girl. They are both from Philadelphia. Joe met Shaun when they were in college in PA, but they weren’t that close back then. It wasn’t until Joe moved to DC, Shaun’s hometown area that they became roommates. Shaun is 30 and he is a 5th grade teacher and avid Hockey fan. So much that the basement living room is full of hockey paraphernalia. Shaun and I don’t see each other much, mostly because I spend most of my time in, mostly because I spend most of my time in my room and he spends most of his in the basement. All in all, they are really great guys that are super easy to get along with. They are upfront about a lot of things; yet at the same time don’t sweat the small stuff. We are all super respectful and work hard.
The house is a typical bachelor pad, instead of a dining room table there is a foose ball table and dart board, we have a separate fridge for beer and refreshments, my roommates don’t cook at all, there are two living rooms, the one in the basement is a big screen with rock band and other video game stuffs, there is a beer pong table on the back patio and two grills. This may seem a little daunting and people may assume that it’s a party house, but really it’s not. Its clean 95% of the week and most nights we are in our own areas quietly unwinding from work.
As soon as I get back from my trip to Japan (which I am actually typing this blog on the airplane… what else am I going to do for 12 hours?!), I plan on trying to get the roomies out for beer and possibly a game of scrabble for some bonding. Guys are so different than girls, girls you just sit around and say “So, tell me your life story…” and then you talk for hours. Guys aren’t quite the same, so I think will try the beer and game approach.

An update on my job. Well, I am still teaching preschool at Huckleberry Cheesecake, we are STILL interviewing for a new teacher to join our classroom. It’s been a difficult task, not only for us (the teachers in the classroom), but for the directors who spend hours on end interviewing. They said something like 200 people applied. That tells me that the economy really isn’t getting any better. Until they find the right teacher to join our classroom, the position for lead teacher is up in the air. I am hoping that I get it, but if I don’t, that’s ok too. After all, as much as I love teaching, it’s not something I plan on spending the rest of my life doing.