Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A normal Nagai Night

The first Saturday night, after going for dinner and drinks with Chiaki, Takako met up with us so that we could go see one of Nagai's local Shishi's. For those of you who don't know what a Shishi is, its a Japanese dragon. The kind with a head that snaps open and closed and a long cloth tail. Usually its followed by drums and Japanese flutes. I met one of the new teachers Alex and we enjoyed the Shishi and met up with many people around Nagai. Afterwards, Alex, Chiaki, Takao and I went to Paradise to say hello to Gamou! It was nice to see Gamou, but missed Maki who was in Yamagata Hospital for her last month of pregnancy! Congratulations to them both! It was a normal Nagai night!

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