Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Oh Romance, I am beginning to remember the reasons why I hated the whole idea of dating to start with. BUT! I am also realizing that there are many great benefits to it as well. I have dated here and there, and it seems as though as soon as I let go of one another comes along. Some of you might find it interesting to learn that I tend to attract the “monogamous, family oriented, emotionally attached” male. I have never thought of myself of that type of woman and therefore thought I’d never attract that kind of male in a million years, however, it’s the opposite. It might have to do with the fact that my career revolves around children and all that come attached with that stereotype, but still…I always thought I was the furthest from that. So I guess one can say that by dating, I’m learning a lot about myself. I have been dating someone new that is fun and willing to invest time with me… so we will see where that goes. I don’t want to label it just yet.

1 comment:

Bri said...

ooo I want to hear more about this...