Saturday, August 29, 2009

First night in new place

So my first night in my new place, I locked myself in my room.

Yes, things like this ever only happen to me.

So I turned the knob to close the door and noticed that it didn't turn all the way, but ignored it and closed the door. Pushing pretty hard to get it closed. Then I turned it to open it and it wouldn't turn all the way. I twisted, turned, pushed and pulled and still couldn't get it open again. Thinking that maybe there was a trick, and swallowing my pride of being an independent woman in a male household; I got my cell phone out and called my roommate down stairs. I told him not to laugh, that I locked myself IN my room. Confused, he came up stairs and started pulling and twisting on the door as well. After a few minutes. he recommended we take the door knob off, I said yes please do! The screws were on his side and he got the knob off and started poking, pushing and pulling at the retractable part in the door and he came to the conclusion that it was stuck on lock and was not retracting from the door frame. We tried for about a half hour when I said "Just break the door, I just want to get out at some point!" He then went and got my other roommate out of bed. He came and tried the same things and then removed the handle on the spare room and tried that one. A half hour later and knowledge about door knobs, they managed to get my door open without breaking it!

I was rescued!

Come to find out, the door handle had been an issue for a while. There were jokes about how it could have been days until anyone noticed that I was locked in my room. One roommate even said "It was a test to make sure you wouldn't panic". All in all a slight bonding experience and the door now works very well!