Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A gift: A book?

So in the mail today I received a book from my grandmother. For those who don't know, my grandmother is a family therapist, which is important to know when I tell you the title of the book and its contents:

The UltraMind Solution by Mark Hyman MD

"Fix your broken brain by healing your body first."

"The simple way to defeat depression, overcome anxiety, and sharpen your mind."

Yes I got a self help book from my grandmother.

On the back of the book it says:

"To gain an ultramind, one that's highly focused, able to pay attention at will, has a strong memory, and leaves us feeling calm, confident, in control and in good spirits"

LOL. I would have used "calm, confident, in control and in good spirits" to describe myself, apparently its not the way my grandmother would describe me! HA!

I am sure she has good intentions and that I probably mentioned something to her that encouraged her to send me this book and the thought is cute; but it still cracks me up!

Gotta love your grandmothers!

Soon to be an Auntie!!

My step sister Alisha and her husband Jason are pregnant!! I am excited for them! I am even more excited that I will be an Auntie! I know that they will be great parents and even better that they will be the kinds of parents that let me take the little one shopping or watch him/her. Not to mention that they are going to have the best looking kids ever! So congratulations to Alisha and Jason!


So for those of you who don't know my dad was diagnosed with throat cancer over winter vacation. It was hard news to take, especially since my grandparents died due to different kinds of cancer. They decided to take his tonsils out in hopes that that was where the cancer was. So he went in for surgery in late February. Its an easy procedure, but not so easy for adults to bounce back. Since my dad had had surgery just a few months before in December it made it especially hard for him to bounce back. The good news was that they caught the cancer which was in his tonsils. YAY! So now he will do some radiation and they will keep an eye on him, but at least he is healthy again. He will go back to work this week and hopefully things will keep moving in the right direction.

Ger and Dave Engaged!

I am so excited to post about Ger and Dave's Engagement!!

After two plus years of dating and overcoming hard times, Ger and Dave have finally decided to tie the knot! I am very happy for them!

They will be getting married Thanksgiving weekend in Florida and of course I will be attending the festivities!!

So congratulations to the happy couple!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Work update

I have now been working at Huckleberry Cheesecake for a week and so far so good.

It is very similar work to what I was doing in Japan. Its not extremely challenging, but the kids are too cute. Its a job that has many rewards, but is not something I see myself doing for years down the road.

I was happy to find out that most of the students are potty trained and fairly well behaved. Most of the parents are very in tuned to their kids and take an active role in their education. My co-teachers are each very unique and are from various places. Not really sure what I make of them yet, however, I seem to get along with each of them just fine.

I am still trying to "find my place" and "figure things out". Hopefully things keep progressing in the next week.

Wish me luck.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Teddy is my roommates cat~ but he really likes me better..... (shhh... don't tell Amber).
This was him playing the other day. He is so cute!

Asian Dinner

Last Sunday I had a few friends over to my new apartment to have a mini celebration for my life moving forward for the first time in months.

I ended up cooking Nabe (the one Chikako and Yoshi sent me), Mabou Tofu, Ger's fried Egg Rolls, and other small goodies. Ger brought a Hmong Dish called La. It was a great feast!!

Nabe... it was so yummy!

Mabou Tofu

Spring Rolls!! - So delicious!

Garlic and soy sauce green beans

La... nice and limey

We even finished the night off with the Sake Andrea bought and the Asahi beer that I bought just for the occasion (so funny how the cheapest beer in Japan is so friggin expensive here!).

Sake that Andrea bought... leave it to a gaijin to buy the one called "Hiku"

Andrea, Amber and I ended up hanging out the rest of the night talking story and laughing.

It was a nice relaxing night. I must have people over for dinner again sometime soon.

My roommate Amber being a dork

Andrea chilling out

So much for branching out

My co-worker Andrea and I always go to the same pub. We are comfortable there. The price isn't bad. The crowed is very diverse. The music is good. The bartenders are friendly... we are comfortable there.

So last night we decided that we need to branch out. Go new places. Meet new people.

We got all dressed up. Her in a cute dress and knee high boots. Me in my tight skinny jeans and pink low cut top. We were in good spirits and feeling pretty hot!

We headed to a new Dive and right off the bat Andrea was hit on, unfortunately not by a man she found even remotely attractive. We had a few beer there and decided it was time for a change of scenery. Outside sleet was starting to come down and it was freezing and some how we ended up at the metro and no idea where to go next.... so.... of course..... we headed to Cleveland Park. And ended up right back where you can always find us.

Yep we ended up all dressed up at Nanny O'Brians drinking our same drinks, listening to the two older men who sing our classic favorites and drinking the rest of the night away.

So much for branching out.