Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Love rant

I can complain about my love life all I want!! Its my blog!

My flirt friend got married this week. Another one down, me still left.

You know those people that you have in the back of your mind... the ones you think to yourself "Well they can be my fall back" or "at least I will always have them around" or "I can depend on them being single with me" or "At least I know I have a flirt friend forever"..... I have fewer and fewer of those these days.

I guess 20's are the time to get married, I don't want to say I hope, but in my vengeful lonely state I kind of do hope that 30's are the time to get divorced. Then more people can be bitter or pretend to be happily single like I do.

I'm picky.

That's what it comes down to.

I find all kind of "Good guys", really, like the kind that could be a priest, the kind that care and are so loving.... I love you "good guys", but gag me. Have some adventure! Get out! Do something wild and crazy! Life is too short to be a "good" person. I find "bad boys", oh do I love the "bad boys", but who am I kidding! I'm wayyyyy too "good" for them! And their wild and childish behavior drives me nuts... in a bad way. Then I find the "Desperate guys", I could be married by now if I accepted all the guys that meet me a few times and think "I'm the one" for them! GAG me twice!

What I ha vent found is someone "right". I guess one might claim this is because I have never really "Loved" someone before. And maybe you are right. But I'm almost 25! Isn't it time I find someone to love or a person that I can care about and adore. I know I ask for the impossible in a mate and I know I'm picky, but I'm human too.

Can't I be the princess I know I am and have prince charming sweep me off my feet already!!!!

Is that too much to ask?!

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

I think that being fussy is good, because you won't want the first guy who comes along and could be a psycho. But overly fussy is not cool either! Because then you might miss out on someone nice, just because he has a couple of faults (eg: not 'bad' enough for you).

It's hard when friend's lives move on to the next level while you're still seemingly stuck.

I wouldn't wish divorce on people though...

But as you're only 25 (not even), I wouldn't worry just yet!!!

Call me again when you're 32... :)