Wednesday, March 5, 2008

totally stoked! - Random thoughts

So I leave for Vegas in a few days!! YAY!!! Im totally excited!!

My sisters 21st birthday is tomorrow, saddly I wont be there to buy her her first drink; however, I will be flying there the day after and me, my mother, our cousin and some close friends will be suprising her in Las Vegas!! She has no idea! Half of California is in on it it feels like. Her friends planned this big old San Fransisco trip that they all know she wont be able to go on because she will be in Vegas with us. Our family planned this big old birthday dinner that she cant go to because she will be with us.... so bascially she is planning for a wonderful weekend that wont happen.... is this good or bad, I dont know, but Im SUPER EXCITED!

For those readers who dont know, my sister is my best friend! I love her more than anything! I love to suprise her!! She will be so excited and that excites me!! So wish me safe travels! I will post some blogs when I get back!

My sister and I

Nathaniel arrived back in Nagai today. Things feel strangely normal, like he never left. He is trying to decide between teaching and going back to school. He will make up his mind this weekend while I am gone. That, in turn, will decide how long he will be staying with me here in Nagai. So if you call or see a man around.... dont get all freaked our nor excited for me... its nothing special. Just Nathaniel.

Nathaniel and I

Looking forward to a few things coming up. Okitama Bowling Party on March 15th. I think Nathaniel and Takako will also be joining me. Chris's Soiree on March 29th. Totally excited about the art gallery and dressing up! Im going to be sporting the pink dress and fish net stockings! Oh yeah! And Mags and I are still trying to figure out our Disneyland adventure the first week of April. During Golden Week one of my very best friends will be visiting Japan from Washington DC. Her first time in Japan! She is a lot of fun and hope you all can meet her.

Ger and I forever ago in France

On an entirely different note I decided that Im in serious need of posting pictures on my blog just looks so boring. Im also going to try to post more about events and what not instead of just my random tangents in life. So good luck to me on that!

I think thats all thats on my mind right now.. Its 1am... gotta work tomorrow so Im off!! Happy slowly coming SPRING!

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

Will have to talk to you about GW! Don't know what my plan is yet. Have to go to Sakata on the 2nd May. Would like to hang out with you and your friend in Tokyo for a bit though! :)