Thursday, March 13, 2008

Vegas-A suprise 21st birthday weekend!

So many things happened over the course of the past week I dont even know where to begin!!! But for sake of making things easy to read I will first blog about my sisters suprise weekend.

So my mother and her long time friend, whom I call Auntie K, decided that my sister had to go to Las Vegas the weekend after her 21st birthday. Of couse my sister is my best friend and I couldnt have her going without me! So I helped them plan a suprise weekend! We spent months planning and consipiring with help from my dad, family and all of Jessicas friends!!
There ended up being 11 of us on the trip. Mom, Cliff and I were driving from Redlands to Las Vegas. Then we were picking up Nicolle, Jessica, Auntie K and Rod from the Airport. Then later that night Nate, Crystal, Phil and Katya were driving in from Redlands to join us for dinner and night festivities. Nicolle, Mom and I were so excited about Jessica being suprised and getting off the plane that we kept thinking Jessica was every person coming into baggage claim and so excited and anxious!! Finally she poped up and we yelled "HAPPY 21st JESSICA" so loud that the entire airport could here us!!!

This is Jessica looking for her supriseees (she is wearing the red sweater)

This is us after she got off the plane!

Our hotel was in downtown on Fremont street at the Four Queens hotel, which besides the rude desk clerk and the old bathroom was beautiful! We ever had a view!!! We relaxed and ordered roomservice before meeting up with the four other youngn's and heading out for Jessicas birthday dinner, presents and night out on the town!!

Jessica, Nicolle and I infront of our Hotel

The gang

That night we ate a great dinner with the entire gang including Mom, Cliff, Auntie K and Rod. Then we went back to the hotel room so Jessica could blow out her candles and open presents. The next stop of course was MARGARITA VILLE! We took a taxi to Margarita Ville where we danced and drank in celebration of Jessicas 21st! Then we walked, well stumbled the strip, stoping whereever we felt to gamble, drink or look around! Nate and I even got into a high five order to see who could get the most high fives from random people... great game! You should try it sometime! We ended up back at the hotel at about 5:00am with the most beautiful view!

Gotta love the view from our hotel room, better yet, gotta love Vegas at 5am!

Unfortunately for me, this was the highlight of my trip, starting the next day after breakfast I got really sick. But on Saturday we woke up and had some breakfast before taking off to explore the strip during the day. We went to New York New York where Jessica had hoped she could catch the roller coaster, but due to strong winds was DENIED. We walked up the strip stoping where ever the wind took us (literally) and doing some shopping and sight seeing. We ended the afternoon with a great buffe dinner in the Paris. It was a great dinner where we all just sat around chatting and eating like the old friends we are (oh and new friends!) Then it was time for Nate, Crystal, Phil and Kayta to say goodbye! Nicolle, Jessica and I ran back to the hotel and did a quick makeover in hopes to see Zoomanity, but were rejected when we showed up at the ticket counter 15 minutes before curtian. But did end up getting in VIP to Cyote Ugly! Cool to go, but we werent really feeling it. We could only watch girls dance on the bar for so long. Then we attempted an Irish Pub where they had really good White Russians ( pun intended), but werent really in the mood from some celtic music. Then Jessica got her wish to ride the New York New York roller coaster! At night!!! But then she felt sick so we decided to call it a night.

I cant really tell you what happened the next day for I was in ER half passed out....but for that you have to stay tuned to my next blog.

Anyways I hope Jessica had a great time no matter what! It took a lot of planning and I was so happy I got to see her and spend time with her! As Im sure everyone else did. I am positive she will be going back soon with some friends to waste away in Margarita Ville again!

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

Okay, so I really really really wanna go to Vegas!!!!

And Hawaii!

Will you be my guide?

I know you were sick but at least you had fun for part of it! And you got to see your sister!!