Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sick in Las Vegas

So as I hope you all have read, we went to Las Vegas to Suprise my sister for her 21st birthday and had a great time, the part I left out was the part where I was curled on the bed in pain to the point where I went to the ER.

All day Saturday while we were walking the strip I had stomach pains and was convinced it was from all the fried heavy American food I was eating. I was a trooper and tried to keep up with everyone, but really wasnt feeling well. We had dinner and I even managed to make it to Cyote Ugly with my sister and Nicolle, but when we got home around 3am I was feeling terrible.

We went to bed around 4am and I awoke at 4:30am with severe stomach pains. I didnt know what to do so I went to the bathroom and drank some water and laid on the bathroom floor for a while before going back to bed. At about 5:00am I got up and ran to the toilet where I vomited for the first out of about 7 times for the morning. The vomiting was incredibly painful and after the first 3 or 4 times there was nothing in my stomach left to vomit. I was weak, tired and where did I go.... to my mommy. :)

I went and knocked on my mothers door and she immediately saw that I wasnt feeling well. I vomited in her bathroom and then she ended up finding me some antacid tablets, some anti-vomit medicine, some 7up and some crackers..... but none of those worked...they all came right back up after going down. I asked her to take me to the ER.

(Side note: I HATE HOSPITALS!!!. Doctors always Yell at me for not going sooner. They scare me and I dont like being on I avoid them at all costs)

Asking my mother to take me to the ER, made my mother panic! They arranged everything and off we went with a trash can in one hand incase I vomited and a towel in the other, I made it to ER. Where I had to explain a 100 times that I lived in Japan and didnt have insurance in America. Luckly ER still takes you!

They ended up putting an IV in me and giving me fluids and finally pain killers and Nasuia (spelling?) medicine through my IV and I passed out for over an hour! The finally gave me heavy duty drugs and sent me on my way. I spent the rest of my time half dead or sleeping.... so I cant really tell you what happened on Sunday. Good news is that I slept the ENTIRE 10 HOUR FLIGHT BACK TO JAPAN!! Gotta love Meds! However I hated the way they made me feel when I was awake.

So when I got back I went to the doctor here and he said I have the stomach flu. He said its been going around Japan and he has had over 10 patients just this week coming in for the same thing. He thinks I caught it before I went to America, but the symptoms didnt show until I was there. He has me on meds that are slowly working, but I still have dull stomach pains and headaches. He said if I dont feel better after a week then it might be ulcers like the ER doctor told me and to go back, but Im hoping its just the stomach flu!

So anyone that I have been around if you are having stomach pains go to the doctors and tell them that you might have the stomach flu and I am sorry because it hurts more than you can imagine!

Wish me a safe recovery! And feel for my sister who had her 21st birthday ruined by her sister catching a Japanes stomach flu!

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

I am sure you didn't ruin her 21st birthday!!!

I bet she was ecstatic to have you come back for it!!

Anyway, that stomach flu sounds friggin awful!!! Sounds more like food poisoning or something. I hope it's not an ulcer!!

By the way, did you have to pay to go to ER or did you have travel insurance or something? I know the USA health care system is expensive...

Anyway, get well soon!!!