Monday, March 3, 2008

Elizabeth was suprisingly excellent

Today I randomly went to the movies with friends to see ELIZABETH THE GOLDEN AGE. And I was presently suprised. A fantastic movie!! Cate Blanchett was a brilliant Queen Elizabeth the First. And Clive Owen was the most handsome I have ever seen him. According to my memory of history (and that says little so please correct me if Im wrong) it was fairly accurate historical wise and I loved the twisted love story, love stories like this one just seem more real and human than the typical love stories where everyone ends happily ever after. The visuals were fantastic! I loved all the lighting and imagery. Please see it! And Enjoy it.

PS. My favorite part was the horse on the ship... I laughed so hard!!! I have a thing with horses jumping off ships and swimming. (Please see the American version of THE RING when the horse jumps off the ship.... makes me crack up laughing every time!!)

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