Monday, March 17, 2008

So soon?!

Yes its soon, but I will be going back to America the first week of April. I am very excited about it! I have a week off for "Spring Vacation" (essentially the week between school years, unlike Americans unecessarily long summer vacation, Japanese schools have between one week and a month off between school years in March and April). The plans have changed a few times and the closer it got the more I came to the realization that I will be sitting on my ass doing nothing for a whole week. I mentioned this to my sister who mentioned it to my father who remembered that its my aunts birthday in Seattle and that the entire family will be going there for a big PARTY! He also realized that I would be the ONLY one NOT attending and made me a proposition I couldnt turn down. He said that if I could stay until the 5th and attend my Aunts birthday Party then he would pay for my ticket to come home that week. Of course that was no problem!!! Im so excited to spend some "quality" time with my sister for a few days and of course get to see the rest of the family in Seattle! YAY! Wish me safe travels!


Lansdale said...

So you'll be on your way back to Hawaii huh? What island? I'd love to go back but with my husband the next time its just that its so expensive! What a beautiful place to visit though. I do hope that you and I will be able to meet up soon! It's been too long and Jacob is growing up too fast.

FunkyChicken said...

Woo! Blog change! I like it!

That's cool about going home again! Make sure you don't get sick this time!

When will you go to Tokyo Disneyland though?

the blondegiraffe said...

Have fun at your Aunt's party! I will miss you this week!