Friday, February 8, 2008

An Update on FrankenYoshi

I finally was allowed to visit my boss Yoshi. Overall he looks good. A little uncomfortable at times, but good besides the many poles around his neck!!

I was nervous walking into the hospital and I felt like I was going to throw up when we were in the elevator climbing the eight floors. Walking down the hallway was terrifying (the WHOLE way to the second door on the a lot further at the time) and I thought I was going to break down and start crying there. Chikako stoped right before the door and motioned for us to go in first, but I couldnt move. Luckily Renee took the rains and walked in first and then I pushed Chikako infront of me. He was laying down and it looked painful for him to have the bed curl him into a sitting position. But once he was up he looked pretty normal, except with a shaved head and facial hair! lol... he looked good (then again Im partial to shaved heads). His monk-like head actually makes him look YOUNGER! Renee and I sat down infront of him and chit chatted away like we were sitting at the school on a normal day. We talked a little about the accident and the barber shaving his blood dried head (ewwww!!!). We made many jokes and laughed. He said it was only painful the first three days and now he is starting to feel better except for the itching and discomfort of movement limits. He then said he had a question about the English in his pamphlet and we laughed when he turned to the "Sexual Activity" section. He did understand the phrase "passive role" in a sex position. LOL! We know he isnt It was fun to explain that one to him! I love teaching English! We made him a card that all of our students signed and he seemed to really enjoy it. He even got his walker out and walked us to the elevator. Besides looking physicall uncomfortable after sitting for about 25 minutes, he looked really good.

I feel very relieved and am now positive that he will recover beautifully and be up and around in no time! Thank you for everyone who has supported me and my boss. It means more than any of you can imagine!

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

I am glad you finally got to see him! This week must have gone so slowly!

The sex thing is funny. It's good to be able to laugh at times like these!

Take care and stay warm. See you soon!