Thursday, January 31, 2008

Update to Scared Shitless

Let me start with the good news (which inevitably means that there is bad news as well), Yoshi will live and be fine with little permanent damage. Super Super Super LUCKY is what that is!

Now the reality: Yoshi was hit on the back of the head by hard ice. He was not knocked unconcious and was still speaking before the paramedics came. They did tests and found out that he hit the bone in his neck and therefore he has been put into a neck and head brace and hospital bound for one to two months. He is speak and there has been no other physical problems.

Lesley School will be up and running but immensly short handed because Yoshi was the one man operation who did it all like Superman. That means the rest of us will be working longer and harder until he gets back.

I am hoping that he will be able to have visitors by next week or sooner. I appriciate all of your concerns and support! I will keep you posted on his progress.

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