Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Is it boys in general or only Japanese boys?

I have had a few short term flings with a couple of Japanese boys, but nothing serious. They have always been super polite and honestly very bad at English. I think that the language thing and the fact that they werent willing to try was always the reason why the interest slowly faded and we moved on after a very short time.

I have never been good at relationships. If I like someone.. Im very shy, but I am always straight forward and dont play games very well. You can usually see right through me and know exactly how I feel.

I met a Japanese guy I really like and I know he likes me too. I met him through my Japanese mother, which is the best and worst part. I sent him many emails and let him know that I was interested, but I didn hear back from him for days. After waiting a week, I gave up. My thinking was either he didnt want anything to do with me or he just wasnt interested enough to take the time out for me in his day.... either way... I wasnt playing that game. So I deleted his emails and store his pictures in a far away file. And then on that same day I got a call from him.

It was the most akward conversation I have ever had!

Seriously, I did all the talking and got very short answers back. It was so "just friendly" that I was totally thrown off. So I did what I always do.. I made and excuse and go off the phone quickly. 20 minutes later... he ended up walking into the place I told him I was at. This simple act said so much! I was total shocked and suprised in a good way. I had the biggest grin you could ever imagine.

It was a good night. We did a little talking, but most of all I listened. If you ever want to learn about someone listen to their conversations with others! I listened to him talk to my Japanese Mother about her son (by the way this guy is best friends with my Japanese Mothers son). They had such a heart felt conversation that she cried and told him thank you so many times. I didnt understand the entire conversation they had, but watching her and seeing how they reacted to eachother I knew it was a great heartfelt moment and was so glad that I had a thing for someone so kind.

The night ended well. He rubed my back and touched my often and at the end of the night drove me home and gave me a big hug. I think this (whatever "this" is) is going in the right direction. Stay posted for more of my love story.

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