Sunday, January 17, 2010

A New Year: A New Decade: A New Goal

Now that its 2010 I have taken the opportunity to sit back and think about my life and where it has been, where it is and where it is going. I have decided that this year is about re cooperating and sorting through things so that I can start heading in the direction that I want my life to go.

I have been thinking: If I were to die, what is it that I want people to say about me. Right now I believe people would say I was a nomad. A person who sought after new experience and exotic places. But, what I really want is to make small impacts on peoples lives. To do good things for others, it doesn't have to be something major or overly exciting, just small simple things to impact people and future generations.

That being said, this year my goal is to (1) become more stable financially(so that I can start preparing for my dream: to teach children to read in Africa by the time I am 30) and (2) to do small things that better my community and therefore myself.

I will accomplish the first goal by doing less traveling this year (the one exception will be attending my cousins wedding in July) and paying off at LEAST half of my credit card by 2011.

I will accomplish the second goal by volunteering for something in my community and I want to raise money and do the 3 day walk for Breast Cancer in October. I also will be taking classes in Early Childhood Development to further my education in teaching to be the best teacher I can be.

These are small goals, but important ones. Its the small things in life that make the biggest impact, or that's what I believe in life.

What are your goals for 2010??

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