Friday, August 7, 2009

Up for a Promotion

So our lead teacher in our classroom just gave her two weeks notice. In a really shitty manner no less.

The good news, I am one of the people up for the position. However, I am not qualified for the position, if they decide to go with me for the position they will put me through the CDA course. I do most of the work that the position requires now, and have been for about a month while the lead teacher (same lady) has been out on vacation, so I know its stuff that I can handle. The raise wont be that great, but something is better than nothing. It will look good on my resume to have gotten a promotion with in my first 6 months at a job.

So, we will see. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Bri said...

AWESOME! I'll say a little prayer!