Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hopefully last rant about old roomie

So, The roommate that had the huge party has been a pain in the ass as usual.

I moved some of my stuff out on Sunday August 16Th, the the majority of my stuff out on Sunday August 23rd, however, I ran out of time with my SUV rental and didn't get the chance to move my bed frame, dresser and chair. Seeing as how these aren't really all that important to have right away, I decided that I would move them sometime in the next week or so since I am paying rent until the end of the month. Talked to Ger who is wonderful and willing to help me move them on Sunday afternoon. Then on Monday received a nasty email from old roomie saying that she wanted to know when my furniture would be moved out so the new person could move their stuff in. I reminded her that I was paid until the end of the month and would move them out at some point before then. She then told me " I will move your stuff to the living room then" I don't think she understood that I am still paying for the space. I once again reminded her that I am paying for the space and asked her not to move my things, but then she said that I since I pay my rent the last Friday of the month that I had to have my things moved out by Friday Aug 28th, for some reason I had to remind her that I pay the last Fridays of the month for her benefit, but pay for the entire month. I told her she could move my things, but I would expect her to pay for anything if it gets damaged. She then said that I couldn't talk about damage because I left two small screw holes behind the door. Its so frigging ridiculous!

The whole time I am thinking... this is ridiculous! This is all illegal and I can have her kicked out by a small phone call to the leasing office, because she isn't even allowed to sublet! The nerves of this girl is amazing! Now I am torn between being nice and letting things go or calling the leasing office and getting her kicked out like a bitch. I hate being caught between the two, but that's what its coming to! She manages to create drama where ever she goes. Thank gawd I'm not her nor no longer living with her! YAY!

However, I will feel 100% better when all my stuff is back in my possession and I am rid of her for life! I highly dislike her!

1 comment:

Monica Jo said...

She called me a psycho... first time I have ever been called that one!