Saturday, August 29, 2009

First night in new place

So my first night in my new place, I locked myself in my room.

Yes, things like this ever only happen to me.

So I turned the knob to close the door and noticed that it didn't turn all the way, but ignored it and closed the door. Pushing pretty hard to get it closed. Then I turned it to open it and it wouldn't turn all the way. I twisted, turned, pushed and pulled and still couldn't get it open again. Thinking that maybe there was a trick, and swallowing my pride of being an independent woman in a male household; I got my cell phone out and called my roommate down stairs. I told him not to laugh, that I locked myself IN my room. Confused, he came up stairs and started pulling and twisting on the door as well. After a few minutes. he recommended we take the door knob off, I said yes please do! The screws were on his side and he got the knob off and started poking, pushing and pulling at the retractable part in the door and he came to the conclusion that it was stuck on lock and was not retracting from the door frame. We tried for about a half hour when I said "Just break the door, I just want to get out at some point!" He then went and got my other roommate out of bed. He came and tried the same things and then removed the handle on the spare room and tried that one. A half hour later and knowledge about door knobs, they managed to get my door open without breaking it!

I was rescued!

Come to find out, the door handle had been an issue for a while. There were jokes about how it could have been days until anyone noticed that I was locked in my room. One roommate even said "It was a test to make sure you wouldn't panic". All in all a slight bonding experience and the door now works very well!

Hopefully last rant about old roomie

So, The roommate that had the huge party has been a pain in the ass as usual.

I moved some of my stuff out on Sunday August 16Th, the the majority of my stuff out on Sunday August 23rd, however, I ran out of time with my SUV rental and didn't get the chance to move my bed frame, dresser and chair. Seeing as how these aren't really all that important to have right away, I decided that I would move them sometime in the next week or so since I am paying rent until the end of the month. Talked to Ger who is wonderful and willing to help me move them on Sunday afternoon. Then on Monday received a nasty email from old roomie saying that she wanted to know when my furniture would be moved out so the new person could move their stuff in. I reminded her that I was paid until the end of the month and would move them out at some point before then. She then told me " I will move your stuff to the living room then" I don't think she understood that I am still paying for the space. I once again reminded her that I am paying for the space and asked her not to move my things, but then she said that I since I pay my rent the last Friday of the month that I had to have my things moved out by Friday Aug 28th, for some reason I had to remind her that I pay the last Fridays of the month for her benefit, but pay for the entire month. I told her she could move my things, but I would expect her to pay for anything if it gets damaged. She then said that I couldn't talk about damage because I left two small screw holes behind the door. Its so frigging ridiculous!

The whole time I am thinking... this is ridiculous! This is all illegal and I can have her kicked out by a small phone call to the leasing office, because she isn't even allowed to sublet! The nerves of this girl is amazing! Now I am torn between being nice and letting things go or calling the leasing office and getting her kicked out like a bitch. I hate being caught between the two, but that's what its coming to! She manages to create drama where ever she goes. Thank gawd I'm not her nor no longer living with her! YAY!

However, I will feel 100% better when all my stuff is back in my possession and I am rid of her for life! I highly dislike her!

Monday, August 17, 2009


So I started packing up some of my stuff, well a lot of my stuff. Going to take it over to my new place today. Then next weekend or the weekend after I will move my big furniture. I am very excited to be moving somewhere that I will have more respectful roommates. Wish me luck!

If you want my new address just let me know!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Up for a Promotion

So our lead teacher in our classroom just gave her two weeks notice. In a really shitty manner no less.

The good news, I am one of the people up for the position. However, I am not qualified for the position, if they decide to go with me for the position they will put me through the CDA course. I do most of the work that the position requires now, and have been for about a month while the lead teacher (same lady) has been out on vacation, so I know its stuff that I can handle. The raise wont be that great, but something is better than nothing. It will look good on my resume to have gotten a promotion with in my first 6 months at a job.

So, we will see. Wish me luck!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


My co-worker/friend, is starting to date one of the bartenders at the pub I frequent. This is awesome because it has created a more friendly environment and more free drinks. However, I don't want to think about what would happen if they were ever to break up or get into a fight....


On a lighter note, the bartender that I always stare at and think is frigging hot!! Yeah, I tried to explain to him that I am like a frat guy, but I guess you'd just have to know me well to get those kinds of jokes...sorry Jim.

lots of drama

Oh my! What a week I have had!

Where to start?!

Well good news first. I did find a new place to live. Its a four bedroom townhouse in Maryland (off Grosvnor/Strathmore Metro). I will be living with two guys, one a 30 year old elementary school teacher and the second a 28 year old guy who works for the government and has a girlfriend. They seem pretty clean and respectful. I will have two small rooms (kids sized) and am excited to move in there on Sept 1st! YAY

I had a few boy issues this week, but seem to have gotten my head in the game and made some difficult (but I am happy with) decisions.

Thursday night I woke up in the middle of the night to my very rude roommate having a party. The kind of party with under-age drinking, beer pong and tons of alcohol. She didn't warn me, she didn't knock on the door and say "Sorry, it just kind of happened". So at 1am I got pretty pissed because I had to work in the morning and called her to come and talk to me. I told her that I had to go to work in the morning and that I would appreciate it if they could keep it down and she had the audacity to roll her eyes at me and walk away. Luckily for her, her boyfriend apologized for her and said he would take care of it. He didn't. So I called security. I am not sure if they ever came or no though. So I kept falling asleep to be woken up by some yelling drunk punk ass kid. I was pissed and tired all the next day.

Since I found my new place I was excited to be able to move out of my current apartment early, especially after the fiasco of Thursday night and thought (especially because of how rude she has been) that my roommate would be happy I was leaving earlier, so I wrote my roommate a check for half a months rent and wrote he a note saying Id be gone by the 16th and left it on the table next to drunken strangers sleeping in the living room. I came home to an email that threatened to take me to court over the half a months rent check and no 30 day notice. I was pretty pissed seeing as how she had given me 60 days to vacate the property. All this without every signing a lease! AND, here is the real kicker, we lived in subsidised housing and if they found out I live here they would kick her out because we make too much money together to live here!!!! So after yelling, and shouting, after threats and rude remarks. I gave in and told her that if my new a roommates were cool with it, then I would pay her for all of August and move into the new place in September. She lucked out because although the guy was pissed that he was going to have to pay for ALL of August, he was still eager to have my in the townhouse. So two people bent over backwards to help my current roommate out because she cant budget or plan for things like this to happen financially. I am too nice.

Also, found out tonight that our head teacher will be quitting to get a new job closer to her home. Maybe that will open some possibilities for me. We will see.

So all in all things have been full of drama! I AM TIRED OF DRAMA! I HATE DRAMA! But I guess that's what our lives are consumed by. If its not one thing its another!

However, super excited, will be visiting Japan in September!! !YAY! I cant wait!