Monday, January 26, 2009

HPU Friends Unite

This past weekend I got together with Earlene and Bri in Maryland. It had been at least 3 years since I had seen Bri! Its so strange to see people outside of the normal places you have seen them.

I don't really keep in touch with many HPU students or Alumni. I was always too busy working and doing other things to make a whole lot of friends. It also didn't help that I worked a full time job that kept me from "hanging out" in my college days. I met Bri my sophomore year of college and we ended up having classes for years and had similar interests in life that kept us friends. Earlene, is great. That's all I have to say about her! I always love hanging out or being around her. She is so positive and sees the best in things, yet she is down to earth and real. How can you not like a wonderful individual like that. And her family is just as wonderful.

Earlene invited Bri and her family (Kori, her husband and Jack, their 7 month year old) and I to come to her house for a Hawaiian style dinner. We had Kalua Pig, Cabbage and Rice. It was SOOO YUMMY!!! Oh I want to make it so badly just because it was so good! (Note to self: get a crock pot soon!)

I made Haupia for the first time. It was interesting. I'm really not too sure it was delicious, but it wasn't bad for my first attempt.

The company was great. We sat around and talked story and oooed and awwed at the baby! I enjoyed it far more than I can express.

A special Thanks to Earlene and Steve for a delicious dinner yet again!

Picture of Bri, Jackson, Earlene and I (stolen from Bri's blog)

Grace Svetlana Fivgas

Born January 23, 2009.
8 pounds 6 Ounces and 21 inches long.

Parents Phil and Katya Fivgas.

Congradulations to the new parents.

Im so excited and happy for you!! I can't wait to meet her!

Southern Cali

After Las Vegas JoeyD, Monique and I drove to southern California. I offered to let them stay at my mothers house to save some money and to show them where I grew up and to meet some of my really cool friends. I was so excited that Sandra had also decided to stay in town so that we could hang out a bit!

There was so much traffic going back into Southern Cali that a normal 2-3 hour drive took 6 hours!! It was crazy!! We finally got in around 10pm and I was super surprised to find that Phil and Katya were there waiting for us with my mother and Pete! It was a nice surprise and I was shocked at how pregnant Katya had gotten over the course of just a few months! She looked like she was about ready to pop. I was so excited to be home and JoeyD was also caught up in the excitement so Phil suggested I call Nate and Sandi and get us all together like usual! I am always up for our little reunions so I called them and everyone came over! We were all talking and being so loud and joking, but Monique was tired and my mom needed to sleep so we decided to head out to Dennys where we could be as loud as we wanted. We went and sat at a long table and told stories and laughed for a few hours before deciding we were exhausted. I was so excite that JoeyD took to my childhood/high school friends. He fit in like he had been there with the rest of us forever!

The next morning a few of us got together and had breakfast at Ihop and sat around again telling stories and eating good breakfast food.

I love breakfast.

After breakfast we went to Target and did some shopping! JoeyD and Monique once again bought all kinds of things!

When we got back to my house my step-father and Josh were there cleaning out my step-fathers things (he hasn't lived in that house for 3 years or so, but still had all kinds of things in the garage that needed to be taken out). Their timing was so shitty, but not surprising. So I didn't get the chance to help JoeyD and Monique load the car and say a proper good-bye because I was helping to prevent a fight between my mother and step-father. Who were surprisingly civilized besides the side comments they made to one another.

So JoeyD and Monique left and so did my step-father and Josh, leaving Sandi, my mom and I. We decided to hang out and go see Benjamin Button (a GREAT movie, but VERY long). It was nice hanging out with Sandi doing nothing particular. I have learned that the people I enjoy the most in life are people that you don't really need to do "something" with, but rather do "nothing" with.

The last few days in town I spent with my family visiting, going to church and hanging out. It was a short trip home, but I had spent quite a bit of time over summer there so it wasn't too bad. My mom looked like she was doing well and moving forward in life. Redlands looked the same.

It was an incredibly fast, yet fairly long vacation going from place to place, but it was nice because I felt as if I got to see almost all the people I really wanted to see and spend time with.

Las Vegas- New Years 2009

There is so much to blog about when it comes to my trip to Las Vegas, but I will keep it to the interesting parts.

We drove from northern California to Las Vegas (not the best decision in my opinion, it caused more bickering and frustration then it did an enjoyable time because we are ALL backseat drivers). We spent the night at my Auntie K's house and had a nice turkey dinner and played games. It was very kind of them to let me and my friends impede upon them and their house. Joey D really had a good time petting the kitties and I enjoyed playing games!

Poor Maggy had arrived a day early. Somewhere in the midst of all the planning and what not our arrival days were off. Her friend Jessica was kind enough to let Maggy stay with her until we arrived the next day and from what I understand they had a great time!

When we arrived into Las Vegas Monique and Joey D were exhausted from doing most of the driving. Since I had slept some and was so excited to be there I decided to go and take in the sights and catch up with Maggy and Jessica. The three of us walked up and down one end of the strip and ate some good food and saw some funny things! We had such a good time just walking and going where ever the wind took us!

Maggy, Jessica and I somewhere on our first day

Jessica and Maggy by the Chocolate Fountain in the Belaggio

That night we had tickets to see Zumanity! A risque Cirque Du So lei Show. It was incredible! Their shows are always the best. This one was so funny and so entertaining as well as amazing! It was worth every penny!!! I think we all sat in awe and enjoyed every minute of it.

The next day Monique really wanted to go shopping (its so funny, she is so Japanese because Americans never really spend that much time shopping in Las Vegas... the only people that really do are either super rich, frequently visit Las Vegas or are Japanese) so Joey D went with her while Maggy and I explored the other half of the strip.

No matter how many time I go to Las Vegas, I still love just walking up and down the strip!

Maggy and I made friends every place we went. On the bus, in elevators, at the bars... didn't matter! I even got a lap dance from a half naked guy in an elevator! I guess we are just cool like that!

We made our way down to the Stratosphere and had decided to do one of the attractions at the top! There were three choices.. all of which looked super scary! It took a lot of convincing just to get me to wait in line!! Then when we got to the front I was freaked out... yes me, the one who loves all things fast and high! I sat in the seat and the man said "this is kind of tight, but I can push the bar and get you to fit in"... I was so freaked out that I said... "no thank you.. I want out". And so I didn't go on it, but Maggy did!!! She said it wasn't that scary and then I was bummed I didn't try to get him to push the bar closed. But oh well.

Me and Maggy on the top of the Stratosphere

The ride Maggy went on

We had to walk the whole way down from the Stratosphere to the Imperial Palace where we were staying because the streets were closed due to it being new years eve. On our one hour walk back we met two guys from Mexico that were hot and offered to get us drunk. Missing our two friends Monique and Joey D we declined and headed back to the hotel room. We all got dressed up and headed out for a night on the town. We tried to see Evil Knievel, but we couldn't. We walked the strip but it was packed. We tried to gamble, but some people didn't like gambling and ended up in Margarita ville!! Its so funny, two years before I told Nate "Next time I am here I will ring in a new year in Margarita ville" and I almost did. I met a nice guy and danced with him and Maggy and I sang to every song and danced and laughed. At 10 to midnight we went out side and brought in 2009 with the other hundreds of thousands of people crowding the streets! We took many pictures and then decided we were tired and went back to the hotel room!

A Spooky Monique, Joey D and Maggy

A Spooky Me

Maggy, Joey D and Monique in Margarita Ville

Joey D and I share the love

Me and Maggy having a blast!

Happy New Years 2009 Shot with some strange guy in the background! LOL

The next day Monique and Joey D wanted to see the strip (they had been there two days and hadn't seen much yet!) so we all wandered the area together. The only real time we spent hanging out together. We ever rode the New York New York roller coaster! That night Monique was tired so she slept while Joey D, Maggy and I had dinner at the Harley Davidson Restaurant and walked around seeing the lights of Las Vegas!!

Me, Maggy and JoeyD at the Harley Davidson Place

Me and JoeyD waiting for the fountains to go off

Maggy had to leave the next morning and Joey D and Monique went on a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas Strip so I spent the morning wandering, shopping and gambling! I won $50 on a penny slot machine and decided that I broke even!

I was winning!!

All in all it was a fun trip to say the least. And my favorite part was spending time with Maggy seeing the Las Vegas sights!

Northern Cali

So I spent the next few days in Northern Cali with my family. My step-sister and her husband were visiting too so it was a full house.

Joey D and Monique arrived into San Fran and so Josh and I went out one night to hang out with them.

Josh and I decided it would be best to take Bart into the city instead of trying to navigate and drive stick shift. When we got to the parking lot of Bart and out of the truck I noticed that the interior light wasn't going off. It was strange. So I got in and closed the door again. But it was still on. I sat there for a little while. But it was still on. I got back out of the truck, closed the door and waited. But it was still on. I got back in the truck and flicked the switch to the right. But the light was still on. I got out of the door and waited. But the light was still on. I got back in the truck and flicked the switch to the left. But the light was still on...... this went on for well over 5 minutes with both Josh and I examining it before I called my dad and told him that the interior light wouldn't go off and that I was nervous that it would drain the truck battery and I wouldn't be able to get home. Being the awesome father that he is he told me to go take the Bart to the city and he would come to the parking lot and look at it and get it to work and the truck will be waiting for me when I got home later that night! Problem solved!! I love my dad!! BUT I still don't understand why it wouldn't go out and what was wrong with it. Strange......

I was under the assumption that they were going to go out out with some friends that Monique had. But when we got there around 8 or 9 pm Monique was exhausted. So instead we just hung out in their hotel room and went to Carl's Jr. for dinner. Monique's friend came to the room and we all hung around talking story and laughing. It was so nice to catch up and hang out with them. It made me terribly home-sick for Japan.

Me and Monique in Carl's Jr

That night Jessica drove back into Northern California after having spent time at moms house and it was nice to hug, chat and sleep next to her. I always miss her the most! I guess its a sisterly thing.

The next day was Sunday and since Jessica was in town we decided she needed to have a fun Christmas too so we had a gathering full of pizza, family, friends and Jessica opening her Christmas presents. I invited Joey D and Monique along so that they could get a taste of what an American Christmas and family gathering was like. I really wanted to show them something real rather than touristy. I think JoeyD appriciated it, but I am still not sure about Monique. They really wanted to go to a Walmart so after dinner we all piled into my cousin's surburban (the biggest car I think either had ever been in) and headed to Walmart.

Going to Walmart with the two of them was an adventure unto its own! They were so amazed by how large it was, how many people there were, how cheap it was and everything else! Walmart is somewhere most Americans think is low class and not so exciting, but to a non-American its like going to a theme park! I had lots of LOLs watching them!

I was so excited to show them where Jessica worked and take them out for American drinks that I kind of pushed them through Walmart so that we could get to Tony Romas before they closed. I guess this pissed off Monique a bit because she said she didnt feel well and wasnt very perky while we were there. So I soon took them back to Bart where they went back into the City and Jessica and I went back out to chat with friends over drinks for a while. It was nice, especially since that was the first and last night I had to hang out with her.

Me, JoeyD and Monique at my sister's work (Tony Romas in Union City)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Nontraditional-traditional Christmas

Christmas this year was nice.

How you view the holidays is so different as you get older. The magic gets lost somewhere, but the realities become something you appreciate and its no longer about getting and more about giving. Its kind of a nice circle that we go through with the holidays.

This year was the same. Wake up with the immediate family (which keeps growing!!) and do stockings. Then presents and breakfast. Then get ready. Then go to Beth (or an equivalent family members) house. Open big stockings (ones where we all help fill by adding one or two items to each persons stocking). Open presents to and from each other. Play stealing game. Eat good food. Some people go home and others stay and drink the night away.

This year I was in the drink the night away category and drank way too much tequila. But in a way (not in the way that I spent the next morning puking it all up) it was a nice bonding time that I really enjoyed and wouldn't have traded for the world!

YAY to a nontraditional-traditional Christmas! And to family!

Step-brother soon to be removed

On Christmas Eve I hung out with my step-brother soon to be removed(for lack of easier way of expressing our relationship), Josh. Its funny, I have always enjoyed hanging out with him. He is so easy to get a long with. He is happy doing anything. I never feel pressure to spend lots of money, so anything too crazy or elaborate... he seems truly happy just doing whatever. And I love that about him. It was the second time this year I have gotten to see and hang out with him in over 10 years! And although we didn't grow up together or know every details of each others lives there is an underlying understanding and acceptance of each other that I love! I really enjoyed hanging and doing "nothing" with him.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Travel for winter vacation

Ok so I have been putting off blogging about my winter vacation for some time, but have really wanted to do so... its just that I have so much to blog about!

The days leading up to Christmas were crazy. I was working almost every day at AFU and shopping and wrapping in my free time. On the 23rd I flew to San Fransisco where I was going to visit and stay with my dad's side of the family. My sister had decided to go to my moms house where it was a bit on the quieter side for the festivities. It was our second Christmas away from each other EVER... I miss seeing hanging with her for Christmas and waking her up in the morning and watching her open presents and cook, but I guess that's what happens when you start growing up and leading your own lives.

My flight was through Chicago which was conveniently having a wicked snow storm at the time. I had no idea what kind of weather was going on over there and decided that it wasn't important that I get to the airport earlier than needed. However when I arrived at the airport and found that there was a huge long line for my airline going to Chicago. I stood in line and thought that maybe it would move fast. Then I overheard people talking about how ALL the flights in, out and through Chicago had been cancelled. I started a mini panic and then calmed myself down by telling myself that panicking doesn't help any... so I calmly waited in line. Then I overheard more people chatting and started the casual chit chat in line and found out that people had been moved and changed and that no one was really getting in or out of Chicago and all this crazy stuff!

A cool (good looking) Asian guy in line told us about how he was scheduled to leave for Chicago the day before. He said that he asked about taking an early flight but the flight attendant persuaded him to stay on the one he was scheduled for. He got on the plane. The plane took off. And then... they said that the take off gear wasn't detracting back into the plane so they were going to land in Dulles. Yep he flew from Regan airport to Dulles airport (A whooping 25 miles apart). Everyone was rescheduled but due to the storm a lot of flights were cancelled so he was trying to get on one today!

It was cutting pretty short to the last check in time when I finally got to the airline teller. He checked me in. Didn't mention anything about any other flights being cancelled. Checked my baggage and handed me my ticket. I casually asked him if it looked like it was going to be on time and he said it would be. So I had no fears or worries, but was weary at the thought of nothing going "wrong" as of yet.

Got on the plane. Plane took off about 30 minutes late due to taxing. Easy 2 hour flight.

Oh but my travel luck HAS to hit at some point!!!

I only had 45 minutes between flights and we took off 30 minutes late. We also had to sit on the tarmac when we landed to De-ice really quick and wait for some planes that were ahead of us. At this point I was thinking... I missed my connecting flight.

Got off the plane finally after hearing some other horror travel stories from people who had been traveling for over 48 hours in some cases!!! I went to the monitor and noticed that my next flight had been delayed an hour and a half!! YAY! I was going to make it. I even had time to stop for some dinner. I had dinner at Chili's (the only one that I have ever seen that serves breakfast!) and headed to my gate.

I waited at the gate for an hour and the flight just kept getting delayed later and later. Then we had to change gates!

It always cracks me up how life works. As I am walking over to the new gate I am approached by an Asian looking guy who says "Excuse me. Umm... Gate Changey??" to which I reply "Nihonjin desu ka?" and he replies "Sugoi!! Hi Hi Nihonjin Desu! Nihongo wakaramasu ka?" and then I replied in my fantastic Janglish "Choto. Nihongo musukashi! I lived in Japan for three years. Yes our gate has changed. You can follow me." We chatted for a little bit while we walked over to our gate. Afterwards I smiled at the ironies-out of all the people at the gate, the one white heavy set female in the middle of Chicago airport knew some Japanese!! HA! Life.

We sat on the tarmac for another 40 minutes or so after we got on the plane so that we could de-ice again. De-icing was an entirely new concept to this California born and raised, lived in Hawaii and hates snow girl! It was entirely fascinating to watch!!! First they hose the entire plane down with some kind of liquid then they spray it with what I am assuming is anti-freeze. Its so cool!! I was totally enamoured.

My flight ended up being delayed a total of 4 hours and coming in within 20 minutes of my step-sister and her husbands flight. My dad ended up having to only go to the airport once that night! He was happy, I was tired and life was good. If only every time things got that delayed they worked out that perfectly!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

2008- life changing

A new year - 2009

Its come so fast! This past year has been a whirl wind of events for me. 2008 was a life changing year.

I started off the year in the most comfortable place I have known in a long time. In an apartment I had been living in for 3 years. With a job and incredible co-workers that I loved. My biggest struggles in life were trying to figure out what the best word in Japanese would be when I was trying to explain something. I had learned to appreciate that my students were growing and becoming better people in life. The only absence I felt was the absence of a lead male. It was a simple yet wonderful little life.

In spring it hit me that I was going to leave my simple and wonderful life for the great unknown. I started cleaning things out, packing, shipping and stressing about the future to come. It was an emotional time... preparing to leave.

It wasn't until July that the emotional realities hit me harder than ever expected. Saying good bye to people who have played such a big part of your life is never easy. In fact its more difficult than anyone can ever imagine! At the same time I was doing my best to help the new teacher, Wilfred, become accustom to the Nagai life style. Its difficult and comforting to have the opportunity to guide the person taking over your position. Its difficult because you don't want them to be better, you don't want your students to like them more, you don't want them to screw things up, you want and don't want so much from them. And then its comforting because you can share so much with them, you can explain and show them things in hopes that they will do better than you and succeed in all their endeavours and hopefully that will benefit the students and co-workers that you had worked with for so long. All for the greater good. When I wasn't with Wilfred I was saying good-byes, packing and erasing myself from the life I had loved so much. Usually resulting in crying myself to sleep so that I could be strong during the day and put on a smile.

Leaving Japan was hard.

Arriving into America was great. The first few days were full of self pity, crying and slight depression. However, the next few months were about soul searching, fresh starts, exploring and enjoying what life brings. I visited many friends that hadn't seen in years!! I connected with people who I thought I had lost. It was amazing!! I even drove across country and learned more about America and our culture than I had ever taken the time to realize before. I tried new things and explored the country and myself. I learned things like Sunrise is so much more beautiful than sunset, that I love southern country food, that there is nothing better than hanging with my sister, that Oklahoma is a wonderful state and that there is a reason that we say "southern hospitality". The first few months were incredible and educational.

When I arrived in to DC in Fall I was just happy to be in one place and unpack some things. But after I had started to settle the reality hit. I have no job, I live with my friend, and have to start over. This was so incredibly depressing to me. I went into a kind of depression. I didn't know anyone, I didn't want to know anyone, I job hunted, but didn't want any job besides the one I had back in Japan. I was unhappy. I have never felt so unhappy. With encouragement from my family and Ger I got up off my butt and started to actively job hunt; but with the economy the way it is and being the end of the year things were not looking hopeful. Out of desperation for a job and a reason to start living I applied at a paint your own pottery shop called All Fired Up and they hired me the next day! My timing was great and I was able to start working 3-4 days a week right off the bat. I finally was feeling like my old self again with some purpose. It wasn't the best paying job, it wasn't challenging, it wasn't really on my level at all-but it got me out and socializing again. And it helped me earn just enough cash to take on my end of the year trip to California and Las Vegas.

The last few days of the year were spent in California on vacation at my dads house. Although I missed my sister dearly because she wasn't there, I kept busy by visiting with my step-brother and other family members. JoeyD and Monique, friends of mine from Japan, flew over and I even had the chance to show them around.

The very last days of the year I spent in Las Vegas with JD, Monique and Maggy. Maggy and I had such a great time sightseeing and going where ever the wind took us up and down the Las Vegas Strip. We made friends where ever we went, spent more than we should and laughed constantly! It was the perfect end to the year.

2008-what a year!!

I am very excited that it is 2009. I feel lucky this year!! I have decided that this year is going to be a life changing year for the positive. A new job, a new apartment, a new man??... perhaps all three?? I will keep you posted!!

Happy new year to all my avid readers and best of luck in the next 12 months!!