Thursday, January 31, 2008

Update to Scared Shitless

Let me start with the good news (which inevitably means that there is bad news as well), Yoshi will live and be fine with little permanent damage. Super Super Super LUCKY is what that is!

Now the reality: Yoshi was hit on the back of the head by hard ice. He was not knocked unconcious and was still speaking before the paramedics came. They did tests and found out that he hit the bone in his neck and therefore he has been put into a neck and head brace and hospital bound for one to two months. He is speak and there has been no other physical problems.

Lesley School will be up and running but immensly short handed because Yoshi was the one man operation who did it all like Superman. That means the rest of us will be working longer and harder until he gets back.

I am hoping that he will be able to have visitors by next week or sooner. I appriciate all of your concerns and support! I will keep you posted on his progress.

Scared Shitless, another reason why I hate snow

Now that my heart is beating normally again, I would like to share todays horror story.

Many days I finish working at kindergarten at about 1pm and then walk to the English school. Its about a 20 minute walk in the snow. Usually when I arrive Yoshi and Chikako are in the main room working or chit chatting. Sometimes they are busy cleaning or shoveling or doing things around the school that need to be done. So, of course, today when I arrived at the school and no on was in the front room I thought nothing of it. I figured they were out side shoveling snow or something and did my normal things.

After sitting at my desk for about 10 minutes I heard an ambulance down the street. The sound of the ambulance grew louder and louder and then all of a sudden sounded like it had stopped next door. So I got up and looked out the window and sure enough... it was stopped outside the camera shop next door. My mind flashed at the thought that I hadnt seen Yoshi or Chikako since I walked in the door 10 minutes ago and paniced. So I jumped up an pulled my coat on. Thinking to myself what a snoop I must look like I saw a stretcher being taken out of the ambulance and being carried to the back of.. OUR SCHOOL!!??? Totally confused and scared of what I was about to see... I ran back into the school and through the main room into the kitchen area and then back into my classroom to see out my classroom window... 6 firemen and paramedics helping someone on to the stretcher. I couldnt see who it was or what had happened so I ran back through the school out the front door and towards the backside of the school when I ran into Chikako.

With her face smeared with blood and a paniced, unclear voice she spit out only a few words "Yoshi. Falling. I got to go. Stay here. Stay.". Of course I started panicing and thinking about all the terrible things that could have happened and had a flashback.

Black and white flashback...... 2 winters ago.
Monica: "Yoshi! What are you doing on the roof when its snowing?! Are you crazy?"
Yoshi: "Its no problem. I do this everyyear. We have to shovel off the snow so that it doesnt damage the roof. Dont worry."

Then another flashback....... again same time ... 2 winters ago.
Monica: "Unbelievable. People actually die from falling off their roofs?"
Yoshi: "Yes, of course, its the number one cause of deaths in Nagai because unexperienced people dont know the right ways to shovel snow off their roofs"

Not having an idea what to do and not knowing whats going on. I watched my boss being carried from the back of the school to an ambulance on a stretcher covered in blankets with a brace around his neck and having no idea what had happened. Then all of a suddent Chikako jumped in the front seat of the ambulance and said again "Stay here. Watch the school. Im going to the hospital together!!" "Ok!" I yelled back. Then Yoshi's wifes van pulled up and parked... she ran and said "Yoshi DOKO?!" And I pointed to the ambulance and knocked on the window and then Chikako got out of the front seat and Yoshis wife got in. Still totally confused Chikako runs inside grabs a phone, and gets in her car and drives off after the ambulance leaving me the only one at the school.

I had no idea what was going on. I didnt understand. Then spectators on the street started asking me questions and I didnt know.... and then the police started coming in packs of 3 and started asking me questions.... then and there I broke down. I started to cry uncontrollably and had flash backs to my best friends mother dying and watching my step father have a seisure when I was in high school. I needed to call someone who spoke bother Japanese and English. So I called Chiaki (Note to self... if I am ever in an Emergency dont call someone I know because I just cry so much more and cant seem to get words out). So the phone call went like this:

Monica:"Hello Chiaki. Now your shop busy?"
Chiaki: "No but Emi isnt here so Im by myself. why?"
Monica: "Yosh..... yosh..... YOSHI.....Fall..... ambulance............Lesley school" (insert crying and sobbing where the ...... are)
Chiaki: "Now where are you?"
Monica: "Lesley"
Chiaki: "Just a minute. Come to Lesley School"

Yep.... I think I made her panic too! I went to the back of the school to see about 15 police officers (I think it was the entire force in Nagai.... you could have robbed the police station there were so many cops here). Chiaki came and I asked her to tell me if Yoshi was ok and what happened because I didnt understand and they explained that when he was trying to knock down the icicles outside my classroom that the snow fell from the roof and a big piece of ice hit him on the head and gave him a big cut but he should be ok and not to worry.

TALK ABOUT A BIG SIGH OF RELIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The police asked many questions and the Kamios (the owners of the school and also Yoshi's sister and brother in law) came and answered all of the questions I couldnt.

Its been about 2 hours since the accident and I still havent heard from Chikako or anyone at the hospital. I figure Yoshi will have to have many tests and probably stitches. I dont think he will be back at work this week. Im slightly frustrated that Chikako hasnt called to tell me anything..... Im still paniced and have a migrain like you wouldnt believe. And still Im here teaching and holding down the fort here at the English School.

I hope he will be ok. Please put him in your thoughts and what ever kind of prayers you do put him in those too. Thanks!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Is it boys in general or only Japanese boys?

I have had a few short term flings with a couple of Japanese boys, but nothing serious. They have always been super polite and honestly very bad at English. I think that the language thing and the fact that they werent willing to try was always the reason why the interest slowly faded and we moved on after a very short time.

I have never been good at relationships. If I like someone.. Im very shy, but I am always straight forward and dont play games very well. You can usually see right through me and know exactly how I feel.

I met a Japanese guy I really like and I know he likes me too. I met him through my Japanese mother, which is the best and worst part. I sent him many emails and let him know that I was interested, but I didn hear back from him for days. After waiting a week, I gave up. My thinking was either he didnt want anything to do with me or he just wasnt interested enough to take the time out for me in his day.... either way... I wasnt playing that game. So I deleted his emails and store his pictures in a far away file. And then on that same day I got a call from him.

It was the most akward conversation I have ever had!

Seriously, I did all the talking and got very short answers back. It was so "just friendly" that I was totally thrown off. So I did what I always do.. I made and excuse and go off the phone quickly. 20 minutes later... he ended up walking into the place I told him I was at. This simple act said so much! I was total shocked and suprised in a good way. I had the biggest grin you could ever imagine.

It was a good night. We did a little talking, but most of all I listened. If you ever want to learn about someone listen to their conversations with others! I listened to him talk to my Japanese Mother about her son (by the way this guy is best friends with my Japanese Mothers son). They had such a heart felt conversation that she cried and told him thank you so many times. I didnt understand the entire conversation they had, but watching her and seeing how they reacted to eachother I knew it was a great heartfelt moment and was so glad that I had a thing for someone so kind.

The night ended well. He rubed my back and touched my often and at the end of the night drove me home and gave me a big hug. I think this (whatever "this" is) is going in the right direction. Stay posted for more of my love story.

Almost killed

The weather has been a whirlwind of furry the past few days. The snow is so heavy at points you cant see further than your back yard and the wind so crazy you could get swept away. But still the baka gaijin refuse to stay indoors where its warm and safe. JoeyD, Rebecca, Maggy and I decided to go to Yamagata (well we had to drop Maggy off so she could go back Kahoku and return to reality). The drive there was pleasant and we rocked out to ipods and laughed at JoeyD's numerous one liners. But the ride back home was an entirely different story.

The snow had faded, but the roads were icy and full of snow. JoeyD is a great driver, but hasn't quite learned that he cant drive the same in the dry summer as in the icy, cold winter.

First we got stuck behind this extraordinarily slow driver and after 20 minutes of tugging slowly behind him due to the numerous curves uphill and the on-coming traffic we finally were able to pass him in a tunnel. It was an expertly done take over! But the JoeyD got cocky and confident and started speeding back down the hill to Nagai. After about 5 minutes of thinking "Hes driving awfully fast" I got a strange feeling and vocalized it "JoeyD, I worry that you are going to have to slam on your breaks at some point and the back tires are going to slide. You are going awfully fast" Rebecca having been thinking the same thing JoeyD started to slightly slow down and within 2 minutes of the comment all of a sudden...... brmbrmbrm... we didn't turn enough into the right hand turn and hit the edge of the small snow area on the side of the road which made the wheel turn right. JoeyD tried to straighten it out and then we slid. The front end turned right and the back end slid widely behind it. Making a huge U swing across the other lane and, due to JoeyDs braking skills, slid softly into the other lanes shoulder that was covered in snow. Now sitting in with the head of the car at the edge of the snow bank and the back side in the middle of the oncoming traffic side of the road. JoeyD immediately backed up and did a 3 point turn to get us back in the correct lane and off and going again safely.

The best part and during this entire time it was silent. Somehow none of us said a word, not a moan, not a scream not even an exasperated sigh. Just dead silence as the car silently swooshed across the lanes. None of us even remember hearing Madonna who was playing in the through the speakers. It was just silence until we started going in the right direction again safely.

We were very lucky that there was no on coming traffic and that no one was following closely behind or else there could have been a very big accident and possibly a car pile up. But God or what ever being that you have faith in, was watching over us tonight! I think he taught JoeyD to be more careful on the icy road and spooked Rebecca and I enough for another year!

So moral of the story! Please drive carefully on those icy roads!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Doing good for others has its rewards

I have a few friends who have been down and out lately. Their winter vacations were ... well lets say "dramatic". We all have vacations or times in our lives where nothing seems to go right and we are feeling down and out. I recall a few times where life was shitty and I had no one around to vent to or to help cheer me up. So... when my friends were calling me upset and they were feeling down and out I decided to be pro-active.

I planned an entire weekend!!!

  1. Friday Night - Girls Night: Margaritas, boy bashing, game playing, dancing, drinking and an ending of Ramen.
  2. Saturday: Banana Pancake breakfast, relaxing and then after a sob fest we went out with Joey D (AKA: The king of LOL's), Japanese style picture taking, Italian dinner and movies.
  3. Sunday-Snow Day!: Woken up by the neighbor moving out (FRIGGING ANNOYING) at 9am, an attempt at a snowball fight and snowman making, driving in crazy snowy and windy conditions with JoeyD, attempting to Ice Skate, and a Mexican dinner cooked by me with movies and cards!
  4. Monday- By to Maggy Day :( :Going to Yamagata for lunch, shopping and possibly a movie as well as saying good-bye to Maggy until next weekend.

It was a great weekend! In trying my best to cheer up my friends, I found that I cheered myself up as well. It was so great to be surrounded by great people and to laugh so hard I cried! Thank you to all people who participated in this great weekend! BIG HUGS!

Quoted Highlights from the weekend include:

"Trans America........LOL"

"Farting's hot"

"Do you every daydream about Anime characters?"

"Spank em"

"Oh god"