Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I was thinking about the people I have known in my life today. I was thinking about how much we have all grown and changed over the years, but how we really are essentially the same.

The hopeless romantics are still hopeless romantics. The posers are still posers. The people needing approval from others are still in need of approval. The ones who march to their own beat still march to their own beat. And so on and so forth.

But with age comes wisdom. We become wiser about life and the decisions we make. We are more poised and graceful the older we get. We learn from our mistakes. We understand more and those around us better. And I believe we become more accepting.

We really don't change deep down I think, but we grow and learn to adapt who we are to those around us, making us appear as changed, but really we've just grown and adapted.

1 comment:

Bri said...

yay! She blogs again!