Sunday, May 10, 2009


Well this week I had been feeling under the weather, but especially Friday and early Saturday morning my throat was bothering me. I was getting nervous that I might have Swine Flu so I got online and looked up the symptoms, usual flu symptoms plus vomiting and diarrhea, and knew that's totally NOT what I had. So I started looking up Strep throat thinking that might be it and I read the symptoms: Soar and swollen throat (check), Pain swallowing liquid or food (check), fever (check) and No coughing nor runny nose (check). So I assumed I had strep throat and looked online for home remedies since I hate going to the doctors. They suggested the usual: Aspirin for the pain, gargle with salt water, lots of liquids. BUT all websites said that the only way to get rid of strep throat is to get an antibiotic from your doctor. I looked up Kaiser hospitals close by, but none were open on the weekends (WTF?!), so I remembered the CVS Minute Clinic commercials online so I went.

Its a clever thing this Minute Clinic at CVS. An actual doctor there to basically test you out and give you prescriptions fast and easy without insurance. Unfortunately, they don't take Kaiser (no surprise really), so I had to pay full price which was $69 for the doctor fee (one of the more expensive fees). She gave me a throat swab that was supposed to show if I was positive or negative for Strep Throat within 5 minutes, about 2 minutes in she looked at it and said "WOW! That was the fastest I have ever seen it change, you sure do have Strep, no question". She also looked in my throat and said "Oh its red in there and white spots too!" She also said "Good self diagnosis, you called it". I don't know if I should be proud of these things or not, but what I do know is that now I have Penicillin and some mouth gargle. Doctor said I should start feeling at least a little better tomorrow... I hope she is right!

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