Sunday, May 10, 2009

The only positive: I got to Dial 911

I was waiting for the bus at the Bethesda Metro station to go home (usually I walk, but I haven't been well so I decided to wait for the bus). There was a lady standing to my right talking to a young man about what time the next bus was coming and then all of a sudden I heard a strange crash pop sound and then she said "Did that car just hit that man?!" and gasped. There was a column in my way so I could exactly see from where I was, but I could see that people started rushing towards that area and the lady said "I hope someone calls 911!" My cell phone happened to be in my hand so I dialed 911. Apparently I was the first to call in and I was transferred to emergency response and they asked me a lot of questions. I had to walk over to the area that the man who was hit was at to answer them. Like "How old is he?" "Is he moving or talking?" "Is he on the ground?" I answered the best I could and told them that a police officer was there already and talking to them and the man on the phone said "Yes, we are just now getting the call in, OK, can we get your name and the telephone number from which you are calling" I gave it to them and that was it. It took longer than expected, but first another police car arrived, then a fire truck and then two ambulances. The young man who hit him couldn't have been over 21 and seemed very regretful and flustered at what had just happened (in the kids defense, there was no crosswalk there, bu there was a cross walk a few feet away.. USE THE CROSSWALK PEOPLE). Anyways it was all kinds of exciting and also scary and reminded me to use cross walks and be a good pedestrians. Also I got to call 911 for real!! That was cool!

1 comment:

Maggy said...

@_@ WTF?? That's scary!!