Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Won't lie, Im totally bummed

Met a guy that I really liked. Different from some of the other guys. Funny, down to earth, religious, kind, geeky... perfect. It took a long time and a few friends pointing him in the right direction to get the nerves to ask me out. Apparently I make people nervous. Finally he asked me for coffee and we talked for 5 hours. It was great! I couldn't wait to see him next, but it took him so long to ask me out. Finally he called and sounded so sad and stressed... a talker he is, but he didn't speak for a few moments and then explained that in the time that we had coffee to now his friend expressed her deep feelings for him and that he decided to try things out with her. He told me that it wasn't his intention to lead me on and that it wasn't honourable to see more than one person at a time. So that was it. I told him I was happy for him and that I understood, but was still totally bummed. "I won't lie, I'm totally bummed, but happy for you." were my exact words. I want to be angry and bummed, but he is so nice and straight forward that I just cant be.

I secretly wish it all goes wrong and that I'm next in line...... is that terrible?


Bri said...

no its not! I hope you find mr right!

MarlaSt said...

I think it was very gentlemanlike for him to call you and explain that to you, it could not have been easy for him....hard to find guys like that. You will find that perfect guy....remember God has a plan for you!!! And you are awesome, so I know he will be too!!

Monica Jo said...

Thank you Marla! I know I couldnt hate him and even respected and liked him more for being grown up about it... he is awsome.

MarlaSt said...

::::smile:::: You are such a great young woman...I love following your exciting life and reading about all your experiences...keep it up!!! And know there are lots of people out here who care about you Monica

Maggy said...

=( *hugsMonica*