Saturday, October 27, 2007

Is Japanese Kindness Really Kind?

Have you ever noticed that Japanese people NEVER have anything "bad" to say??

Think about it:

  • You go out to eat, eat at school or cook something for them after the first bite they ALWAYS sat "Umai" or "Oishi" (delicious). They never say "ewwww" or "not so good".

  • You go to see a movie and you hate it so when they ask you "What did you think?" You honestly say "The ending was bad." or "It wasn't my cup of tea." and the Japanese person nods in agreeance, but doesn't go as far as to add something that would be negative.

  • Where you work you do something that is undoubtedly wrong and your co-workers never scold you like they would another Japanese person instead they just let it slide. And you don't think anything of it until you hear about how you did something wrong though the gossip mill.

The only time I feel like I have truly made a good friend in Japan is the first time I hear them say something negative to me. This sounds odd, but I feel as if they actually care enough to say something honest instead of humble. I hate people that are just trying to be kind and humble instead of honest and straight forward. There are honestly kind and humble people in this world, but even they have bad days and disagree with others from time to time. This makes you human!!!

There are polite and rude ways to disagree and handle situations. Don't just ignore the situation or smile and nod even though you want to wring someones neck, just politely say you disagree or suggest that we, gaijin, don't do that again. We cant guess what you are thinking!!! We want to do things the right way, but how can we learn if you don't correct us!?

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