Monday, November 22, 2010


My Uncle Tony died on Thursday. He had been battling cancer for over a year, they had given him 6 months to live, but he made it well beyond that. From what little I knew of him, he always had a smile on his face and love to share with all. I can tell that his children, grandchildren and wife loved him so very dearly. Everyone says this is for the best because he is no longer in pain. All I can think of is, that could have been my dad. Life is not fair, but I count my blessings to still have my father in my life after his fight with cancer. Tomorrow will be Tony's funeral and they are asking everyone to wear purple because that was his favorite color, so even though I will not be able to make it, I will wear purple tomorrow and hold my few memories of him close to my heart. God Bless Tony. I'm sure you will keep an eye on everyone from up above.

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