Sunday, July 25, 2010

Jimbo and Ashley's Wedding

My 19 year old cousin, Jimbo, married a wonderful young lady, Ashley. Are they too young? Possibly, but who am I to judge? I flew to Yelm, WA with the rest of my family on my dad's side and we celebrated the marriage of Ashley and Jimbo on July 4, 2010. It was a small and simple wedding and Ashley's great grandfather was the Pasteur. The service was short, only about 15 minutes, but the celebrations afterwards went on for hours. There was a DJ, family, Friends, dancing, a keg, fireworks...the whole nine yards! It was a great family reunion and also a combining of two families! I had a great time and hope they last many years to come!

Wedding Ceremony

You may kiss the bride

Cake Cutting, This cake was very delicious!

Our whole immediate family. We are on the large side.

Jeanne, myself and Jessica.

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