Thursday, November 12, 2009

Caps Game 11-11

Ger invited me to a Capitals game last minute and so I ran home from work to change into something warmer for the ice filled arena. As I ran in the door, Joe ran in behind me and I yelled "I'm late! I'm late!" and he yelled as he ran right behind me "for what?!" and I yelled "For the hockey game!!!!" and went to change. When I came back down stairs he said "Want a ride?!"

Yep, my roommates and I were going to the same game! Its not surprising seeing as how they are both HUGE Hockey fans and Shaun is especially a big Caps fan! I got lucky and they gave me a ride to the game and I made it there on time! It was also a good bonding time in the car ride there and back!

The game was amazing! Not only was it an exciting game, but it also went into overtime and then into Shoot Out overtime!!!! NOT ONLY THAT!! It wasn't until almost everyone on each team had taken a shot that the Caps won! E-X-C-I-T-I-N-G!! EXCITING!!

Ger and I at the Caps Game 11-11-09

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