Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ren Fair

When I was in the 7th grade, there was a class field trip to the Renaissance Fair. There was a dinner for parents and all kinds of other events planned around the time period. This was the start of a great friendship. This was when I asked Jennifer Poe's mom to help me make a costume. She was a great sewer and made us beautiful period costumes. Wish I still had the photos so I could show you all.... but ever since then I have had a special place in my heart for the Ren Fair. Over the years Jennifer and I went to the Ren Fair many times, sometimes with my family and sometimes with hers, but one thing was for sure...WE LOVED IT!
Its been years since I have been to one and it wasn't until my friend Lane mentioned that he went while I was in Japan and had a great time that I thought of how much going to them meant to me and how much I enjoyed them.

So Andrea and I decided to go! We rented a car and went on a Sunday during Shakespeare week. We didn't dress up in period costume, but did get a little gussied up. We were like little girls on Halloween! And this time I could enjoy the BEER! We got our faces painted, tried things, on, watched the silly and attractive people. We ate good food and drank great beer! It was an amazing day that brought back all kinds of memories! Thanks to Andrea for going with me.... I look forward to going again next year!

1 comment:

Bri said...

cute! We went last year with the Jackman!!!